Labs for SEG-2106 - Winter 2016
Lab-1 -
Domain modeling and definition of requirements - A telephone system Solution
Lab-2 -
Use of the LTSA tool - modeling systems of state machines Solution
Lab-4 -
of concurrent systems - will not be used in 2016
Lab-5 - Exercises
about regular expressions, automata, and having fun with LEX . Solution
Lab-6 - Regular expressions, non-deterministic automata - grammars and syntax trees Solution
Lab-7 - Top-down syntax analysis - LL(1) Solution
Lab-8 - A
simple compiler in Java - will not be used as Lab in 2016
Lab-9 - Mutual
exclusion and deadlocks : the dining philosophers Solution
Lab-10 - Performance measurements for inter-process communication Solution
Lab-11 - Simulations and performance measurements: two types of simulation programs: (1) with future event queue, (2) with multiple processes and inter-process coordination; performance observations and their statistical errors
Marking scheme for labs
As indicated in the syllabus, the marks for the labs count for 16% of the final marks (if the exams are better than 50%). The marking scheme for the labs is as follows:
- For each of the seven "informal" labs, 1 points are allocated:
- All the tasks are completed: 1%
- More than half completed: 0.75%
- Almost half is completed: 0.5%
- You have tried at least (given that you attended the whole session): 0.25%
- For the three "formal" labs for which a lab report is requested, 3 points. The TA will determine how many points you get based on the quality of the report.
At the end of an "informal" Lab session, please show to the TA your results for the lab (draft texts and diagrams that you prepared). The TA will take note of the completeness of your work, but will not evaluate the quality of your work. It is planned that a sample solution for the Lab will be made available on the Web within one week, and it is your task to evaluate whether you have done a good job with this Lab, or whether some the issues remained questionable. Anyway, it is suggested that your prepare a summary-report for yourself that gives an overview of the results of your work and the difficulties that you may have encountered.
In the case of a "formal" Lab session, your lab report is due one week later (to be submitted on paper to the TA at the next lab session).