Historical comments related to the topics of SEG-2106
Here is a list of notes on famous computer scientists, historical developments, standardization, applications etc. classified according to the chapters of the SEG-2106 course.
Section 1: Requirement engineering, structural and behavioral modeling using state machines
- Structured programming and the GOTO (by Dijkstra) - famous paper: GOTO statement considered harmful (ACM Comm. March 1968) - more explanations by W. Wulf: A case against the GOTO (ACM Annual COnf. 1972) - NOTE: Dijkstra is also known for the shortest path routing algorithm (nowadays used in the Internet)
- Program testing or proving ? - (Hoare - Floyd, Dijkstra)
- Knuth - The Art of Computer Programming
- Parnas - information hiding principle - the reliability issue
- State machine modeling and object-orientation
- Standardization committees: Official international bodies: ISO, ITU; national standardization bodies: CSA (Canadian Standards Association), DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm), ANSI (USA, American National Standards Institute); industry groups: IETF, OMG
- Bran Selic - from Nortel to ObjecTime to Rational to IBM to consultant
- Communicating state machines
Section 2: Languages, grammars, and analyzers
- Introduction to languages and compilers
- Lexical analysis: formal languages, regular expressions, finite state machines, deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, transformation from regular expression to DFA, tools for lexical analysis (Lex)
- Syntax analysis: parse trees, ambiguity, context-free grammars, LL(1) parsing method, semantic analysis and semantic attributes (this section may or may not be covered), different notations for specifying languages, Chomsky’s hierarchy
- Naur, Algol and BNF
- Attribute grammars (Knuth, Bochmann, compiler writing systems)
- Turing machines and decidability
Section 3: Concurrency: specification, verification, and implementation
- Concurrency: concept of concurrency, sub-program level concurrency, semaphores, monitors, message passing, Java threads
- The invention of semaphores (by Dijkstra)
- The invention of the monitor concept (by Hoare and Brinch-Hansen) - high-level language for writing operating systems
- History of concurrency in programming languages
- History of dynamic process creation and communication in programming languages and operating systems
- Implementation design
Created: January 2010; last update: December 11,