SEG3101 - Course Notes - - under construction
Note: The numbering of the topics is taken from the Syllabus. Some topics are presented in a different order to provide the background for certain lab and assignment activities.
1 - Basics of requirements engineering
3.2 - Writing high-quality requirements
2 - Requirements inception and elicitation
3 - Requirements analysis and specification - modeling techniques
- Introduction to analysis and requirements specification
- Non-functional requirements
- Goal-oriented modeling
- Functional modeling
- Supplementary Material
on UML
- Supplementary Material
on URN
(that is, GRL and UCM)
4 - Requirements verification, and validation
- We go back to the theme of elicitation: Requirements Triage and Negotiation
- Requirements verification, and validation
5 - Requirements management
- Book readings: A detailed discussion of these issues is in Wiegers chap. 18 through 21. There is also the chapter 9 in the book by Hull et al. on the topic of "DOORS - a Tool to Manage Requirements"
- SEG3101-ch5 - Management (PDF)
- Supplementary Material
6 - Examples of requirements approaches in typical development processes
Created: Sept. 5, 2010; revised: Dec. 2