For a more equitable society


During March 2003, I posted the note "I boycott the USA" on my personal Web site because the United States started unilaterally an illigitimite war against Irak, in addition to boycotting many efforts of the United Nations that I consider important for the future of our world and the human society.

At the same time, I also included an open letter to the presidents of the professional societies ACM and IEEE in order to urge them to introduce equitable international representation in the important boards and committees of these organizations. ACM and IEEE were originally conceived as national associations within the USA, but they have gradually taken up international leadership, especially through their high quality journals and international conferences. If they present themselves as international associations, they should have an equitable representation from different countries among the people that make the decisions concerning journals and conferences and about the rules that govern these organizations.


Five years later - what has changed ?

Let me expand on the last point ...

First, I would like to note that the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) is an international professional organization with a broad international representation at the different levels of its organization. It organizes many first-class conferences in different fields (see here).

ACM and IEEE are still not really international organizations since most of their boards and committees are almost completely dominated by people from the USA. In 2003 I spoke about terminating my membership if this situation would not change. - Up to now, the situation has not changed much, and I am still a member. I think it is best, in order to change the situation, to work inside the organizations to push for some changes. Although I must admit that I did not help much in this respect during the last years, I would like to encourage people from different countries to get involved in these organizations and to make some changes happen.

In the following, I present some information about the current international representations in ACM and IEEE (extracted from the public information available on the Web).



Last update: September 2008