Courses given by Gregor v. Bochmann
As an emeritus professor, I currently do not teach any courses. Previously, I have given the following courses at the University of Ottawa:
During 2014-15 and 2015-16:
From 2006-07 to 2012-13:
During 2010-11 (in addition to the courses above):
During 2004-05 and 2005-06:
During 2002-03 and 2003-04:
- SEG 2501 " Conception
des logiciels III " (pendant l'hiver)
- ELG 7187C " Formal Methods for the
Development of Distributed Real-Time Applications "
- ELG 5125 (92.525O) " Quality of Service
Management for Multimedia Applications "
During the 2001-02 Year:
- CSI 5389 " Electronic
Commerce Technologies "
- E01E " Electronic
Commerce: Technology Essentials "
During the 2000-01 Year:
- SEG 2101 " Software design III
- SEG 2501 " Conception des
logiciels III "
- ELG 5125 (92.525O) " Quality of Service
Management for Multimedia Applications " (during the fall term)
During the Winter 2000 term:
- ELG 7186B (92.587Y) Topics in Computers I: " Formal Methods
for the Development of Real-Time System Applications "
- ELG 7187B (92.588Y) Topics in Computers II: "Quality of Service
Management for Multimedia Applications"
- SEG 2101 "Software design III"
- SEG 2501 "Conception des logiciels III"
During the Winter '99 term:
- ELG 7186B (92.587Y) 92587 250 Topics in Computers I: "Formal Methods
for the Development of Real-Time System Applications"
- ELG 7187 (92.588P) 92588 160 Topics in Computers II: "Quality of
Service Management for Distributed Applications"
- SEG 2501 "Conception des logiciels III"
During the Fall '98 term:
- CSI 2115 "Concepts in Programming Languages", Fall 1998 (with Dr.
Nicolas Anquetil)
- CSI 2515 "Concepts de langages de programmation", automn 1998 (with
Dr. Nicolas Anquetil)
During the Winter '98 term:
- CSI 5112 "Software Engineering"-- Formal and informal methods for
software development, especially for distributed and hard real-time systems
Cours donnés par Gregor v. Bochmann à l'Université
de Montréal
- IFT 3320:
Téléinformatique (automne 1996)
- IFT 6320:
Téléinformatique (automne 1996)
- IFT 6055:
Méthodes formelles et informelles pour
le développement de logiciel, en particulier pour les systèmes
répartis("Sujets spéciaux en téléinformatique") (hiver 1996)
Last update: Nov. 2016