Book Chapters
- A. Boukerche, Security in Mobile Phone Operations, Wiley & Sons, Ed.

- A. Boukerche and Mirela Sechi M. Notare, Applications of Neural Networks to Mobile Communication Systems, pp. 255- 268, Wiley&Sons, Solutions to Parallel and Distributed Computing Problems: Lessons from Biological Sciences, Eds. A. Zomaya, and S. Olariu, 2001.

- A. Boukerche and S. K. Das, Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Parallel Simulation, pp. 87-109., Solutions to Parallel and Distributed Computing Problems: Lessons from Biological Sciences, Wiley & Sons, Eds. A. Zomaya, S. Olariu, 2001.

- A. Boukerche ,Time Management in Parallel Simulation, High Performance Cluster Computing, Prentice Hall, Vol. 2, Ed. B. Rajkumar, pp. 375-394, 1999.

- A. Boukerche and S. K. Das, Load Balancing Strategies For Parallel Simulation On Multiprocessor Machines, The State-of-the-art In Performance Modeling and Simulation, Gordon and Breach Publishers, G. Zobrist, J. Walrand, and K. Bagchi, pp. 1998, 135-164
 Journals: Guest Editor -Special Issues
- A. Boukerche, Special Issue on Ad Hoc Mobile Networking and Computing Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, In progress (In Preparation)

- A. Boukerche and Jason Lin Y-B, Special Issue on Design and Modeling in Mobile and Wireless Systems, ACM Wireless Networks (WINET), Vol. 7, 2001.

- A. Boukerche and H., Hua, Modeling and Simulation of Wireless Systems, ACM Mobile Networks (MONET), Vol. 5, 2000.

- A. Boukerche and S. K. Das, Special Issue on Mobile Computing and Wireless Communication Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, April 2000.

A. Boukerche, Special Issue on Current Advances in Parallel Logic Simulation, - VLSI Design Journal, Vol. 9, 1999.
- A. Boukerche, A. Fabbri S. K. Das, Message Traffic Control Capabilities of the R-DSDV Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Proc. ACM Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, pp. 105-112, 2001. (Nominated for the Best Paper Award)

- A. Boukerche M. Notare, Project and Execution of a Distributed Security System for Telecommunication Networks, Recipient of the 3rd Award for Telecommunication Software, 1999.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Alessandro Fabri, and Oktay Yildiz, Exploiting Model Independence for PCS Network Simulation, ACM/IEEE PADS'99, pp. 166-173, Atlanta, USA. (Nominated for the Best Paper Award)

- A. Boukerche, S. K. Das, Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies For Conservative Parallel Simulations 11th ACM/IEEE workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, , Vienna, Austria, PADS'97, pp. 20-28. (Winner Best Paper Award)
- A. Boukerche and Caron Dzermajko, Performance Comparison of Data Distributed Management Strategies for Large Scale Distributed Systems , Submitted to Concurency and Computation.

- A. Boukerche and M. Sechi M. Notare, Behavior-Based Intrusion Detection in Mobile Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. to Appear 2002.

- A. Boukerche and S. K. Das, Congestion Control Performance of R-DSDV Protocol in Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks , ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks (WINET), to Appear.

- A. Boukerche, A. Roy, A Dynamic Grid-based Data Distribution Management For Large Scale Distributed Simulation, Journal on Parallel and Distributed Computing, To Appear 2002.

- A. Boukerche and Sajal K. Das, Null Message Cancellation Through Load Balancing in Distributed Simulations, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, to Appear.

- A. Boukerche , S. K. Das, A. Datta, T. McMaster, Implementation of a Time Synchronizer in Distributed Database Systems on a Cluster of Workstations, Journal- Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices,

- A. Boukerche , S. Hong and T. Jacob, An Efficient Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithm for Mobile Telecommunication Systems, ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET). Vol. 7, pp 115-126, 2002.

- A. Boukerche and S. Rogers, Performance of GZRP Ad Hoc Routing Protocol, Journal of Interconnection Networks, pp. 31-45, Vol. 2. No.1, 2001.

- A. Boukerche and S. K. Das, and A. Fabbri, SWiMNet: A Scalable Parallel Simulation Testbed for Wireless and Mobile Networks, ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks (WINET) Vol. 7, pp. 467-486, 2001.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper, Global Vs. Local Lookahead in Parallel Simulation, Parallel Computing, Vol. 27, pp. 1033-1055, 2001

- A. Boukerche, S. K. Das, and A. Fabbri, Analysis of Randomized Congestion Control with DSDV Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), pp. 967-995, Vo. 61, 2001.

- A. Boukerche, and J. Lin Bing, Design and Modeling in Mobile and Wireless Systems, ACM/Baltzer Wireless Networks, Vol. 7. pp. 209-210. 2001

- A. Boukerche, , Load Balancing For Parallel PCS Networks Simulation, Journal of Interconnection Networks, pp. 173-193, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2000.

- A. Boukerche, S K. Das, Wireless and Mobile Computing and Communications, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 2000

- A. Boukerche and A. Fabbri, Reducing Rollbacks Through Partitioning in PCS Parallel Simulation, SCS SIMULATION Journal, pp. 43-5, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2000.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Fabri Alessandro, and Oktay Yildiz, Efficient Parallel Simulation of Large Scale PCS Networks, SCS TRANSACTIONS on Simulation, pp. 113-125, Vol. 16, 1999.

- A. Boukerche, Current Advances in Parallel Logic Simulation, VLSI Design Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.1-4, 1999.

- A. Boukerche, C. Tropper, A Distributed Graph Algorithm for the Detection of Local Cycles and Knots, IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1998, pp. 748-758.

- A. Boukerche, C. Tropper, Parallel Simulation On a Hypercube Multiprocessor, Distributed Computing, Spring Verlag, Vol. 8, 1995, pp.181-190.
- A. Boukerche and T. Tuck, A Risk-Free Multiversion Temporally Correct Algorithm For Database Systems IEEE/ACM Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Florida 2002.

- A. Boukerche , Kathia R. Juca, and J. Bosco, Intrusion Detection Based on the Immune Human System. IEEE/ACM (BioSP3) Inspired Parallel on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Problems, 2002.

- A. Boukerche and S. Vaidya Route Discovery Optimization Scheme using GPS System SCS/ACM/IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium , San Diego, April 2002.

- A. Boukerche, Hong Sungbum and T. Jacob, A Distributed Synchronization Scheme for Multimedia Streams in Mobile Systems: Proof and Correctness, 26th IEEE International Conference on Local Networking- (Wireless Local Networks), November 2001.

- A. Boukerche and Caron Dzermajko, Performance Comparison of Data Distributed Management in Distributed Simulation Systems, In Proc. of the 5th IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications}, pp.67-75, August 2001.

- A. Boukerche and T. Tuck, Improving Conservative Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases, Proc. EuroPar 2001, R. Sakellariou et al (Eds), LNCS 2150, Springer Verlag, pp. 301-309, 2001.

- A. Boukerche, Hong Sungbum and T. Jacob, MoSync: An Efficient Synchronization Algorithm for Cellular Wireless and Mobile Multimedia Systems, {\em 9th IEEE Symp. MASCOTS'2001}, pp. 89-96.

- A. Boukerche and S. Rogers, GPS Query Optimization in Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc Networking 6th IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications}, pp.198-203, July 2001.

- A. Boukerche, A. Fabbri S. K. Das, Message Traffic Control Capabilities of the R-DSDV Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Proc. ACM Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, pp. 105-112, 2001 (Nominated for the Best Paper Award)

- A. Boukerche, Simulation Based Comparative Study of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols 34th Annual Simulation Symposium, April 2001, pp. 85-92.

- A. Boukerche, An Adaptive Partitioning Algorithm for Conservative Parallel Simulation, IEEE /BioSP3, 2001.

- A. Boukerche, Hong Sungbum and T. Jacob, A Synchronization Scheme for Distributed Multimedia Servers and Mobile Clients using Quasi-Sink, IEEE/ACM PDIVM, April 2001.

- A. Boukerche, Performance Analysis of On-Demand Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols, 20th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Performance, Computing and Communications, 2001, pp. 171-178.

- A. Boukerche, Conservative Circuit Simulation on Multiprocessor Machines, IEEE High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2000, LNCS 1970, Springer, pp. 415-424.

- A. Boukerche and A. Fabbri, Partitioning PCS Networks for Distributed Simulation, IEEE High Performance Computing (HiPC), Decb. 2000 LNCS 1970, Springer, pp. 449-458.

- A. Boukerche, S. Hong, and T. Jacob, A Performance Study of a Distributed Algorithm for Dynamic Channel Allocation, Proc. ACM Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, 2000, pp. 36-43.

- A. Boukerche, Parallel Logic Simulation, IEEE Advanced Computing and Communication Conference, December 2000, pp. 263-268.

- A. Boukerche, S. K. Das and A. Fabbri Analysis of Randomized Congestion Control in DSDV Routing, 8th IEEE Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2000, pp. 65-72.

- A. Boukerche and A. Roy, In Search of Data Distribution Management in Large Scale Distributed Simulations, Proc. of the 2000 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 21-28.

- A. Boukerche, S. Hong, and T. Jacob, Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation for Mobile Communication Systems, 8th IEEE Int. Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2000, pp. 73-81.

- A. Boukerche and T. Tuck, T3C: A Temporally Correct Concurrency Control Algorithm for Distributed Databases, 8th IEEE Symp. MASCOTS'2000, pp. 155-163.

- A. Boukerche, A. Roy, and N. Thomas, Dynamic grid-based multicast group assignment in data distribution management, IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, 2000, pp. 47-54.

- A. Boukerche, A. Fabbri, and A. Mikler Distributed Simulation over Loosely Coupled Domains, Proc. of IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, 2000, pp. 18-25.

- M. Notare, A. Boukerche, F. Cruz, and C B. Westphall, An Intrusion Detection System to Mobile Phone Networks, {\em EXPO2000}, Hannover, Germany, July 2000, pp 362-370.

- M. Sechi M. Notare, A. Boukerche, C. Westphal Safety And Security For 2000 Telecommunications, IEEE EuroCom'2000, Germany, May 2000, pp. 359-363.

- A. Boukerche, M. Sechi M. Notare, Neural Fraud Detection in Mobile Phone Operations 4th IEEE BioSP3, Bio-Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing, May 2000, pp. 636-644.

- M. Sechi M. Notare, A. Boukerche, F. Cruz, B. Risco, C. Westphal, Security Management Against Cloning Mobile Phones, IEEE Globecom'99, pp. 969-973. Dec. 1999.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Alessandro Fabri, and Oktay Yildiz, Design and Analysis of a Parallel PCS Network Simulation, IEEE High Performance Computing (HiPC), pp. 189-196 December 1999.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Null Message Cancellation Through Load Balancing in Distributed Simulations, In Proc. EuroPar 99, LNCS, Spring Verlag, 1999. pp. 562-569.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Scalability of a load Balancing Algorithm and its implementation on an Intel Paragon, Int'l IEEE Symp. on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks, Perth, Autralia, June 1999, pp. 274-282.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Alessandro Fabri, and Oktay Yildiz, Exploiting Model Independence for PCS Network Simulation, ACM/IEEE PADS'99, pp. 166-173, Atlanta, USA. (Nominated for the Best Paper Award)

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Ajoy Datta, Implementation of a Virtual Time Synchronizer for Distributed Database Systems, IEEE/ACM In'l Parallel Processing Symposium. IPPS'99, San Juan, April 1999, pp. 733-737.

- A. Boukerche, and Sajal K. Das, Experimental Studies in Load Balancing, In Proc. EuroPar'98, LNCS, Springer Verlag. pp. 318-321.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Ajoy Datta, Time Synchronization in Distributed Database Systems, In Proc. EuroPar'98, Springer Verlag., pp. 534-536.

- A. Boukerche, Sajal K. Das, Fabri Alessandro, and Oktay Yildiz, Exploiting Model Independence for PCS Network Simulation, (Extended Abstract) Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Wireless Systems, July 1998, pp. 218-221.

- A. Boukerche, and Sajal K. Das, Partitioning and Load Management in Parallel Simulation, SIAM Minsymposium, Toronto, Canada, June 1998.

- A. Boukerche, S. K. Das A Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Conservative Parallel Simulations, International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Haifa, Israel, pp. 32-37, 1997.

- A. Boukerche, and Sajal K. Das, Distributed Interactive and Real Time Simulations, IEEE Workshop on Distributed Interactive Simulation and Real Time Applications, January, Eilat, Israel, pp. 1-4, 1997.

- A. Boukerche, S. K. Das, Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies For Conservative Parallel Simulations 11th ACM/IEEE workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Vienna, Austria, PADS'97, pp. 20-28. (Winner Best Paper Award)

- A. Boukerche, On Process Migration and Load Balancing in Conservative Simulation, Int. Conf. on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, May 1996.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper, Hierarchical Scheduling of Time-Next-Event Heuristic on Distributed Memory Machines, 28th SCS/IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1995, pp. 155-165.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper, An Efficient Distributed Cycle/Knot Detection Algorithm, 9th Int'l Parallel Processing Symp. (IPPS), Santa Barbara, April 1995, pp. 164-172.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper, SGTNE: Semi-Global Time-Next-Event Algorithm, 9th IEEE/ACM Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Lake Placide, NY, June 1995, pp. 68-77.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper, A Static Partitioning and Mapping Algorithm, in Proc. of 8th IEEE/ACM Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, 1994. Vol. 24, No. 1, July 1994, pp. 164-172.

- C. Tropper and A. Boukerche, Parallel Simulation of Communicating Finite State Machines, Proc. of the ACM/IEEE/SCS on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, San Diego, Vol. 23, No. 1, May 1993, pp. 143-150.

- C. Tropper and A. Boukerche, Parallelizing the Sequencing Problem, IEEE/ACM Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, Newport Beach, Calif. April 1993, pp. 240-244.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper, Distributed Deadlock Detection, IEEE Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Vol. 2, Sept. 1993, pp. 619-622.

- A. Boukerche and C. Tropper A Performance Analysis of Distribute d Simulation with Cluster of Processes in Proc. of the ACM/IEEE/SCS Multiconf. Advanced in Parallel and Distributed Simulation. Vol. 24, No. 3, Jan 1991, pp. 109-121.