Refereed Journal Papers
- Application of cost matrices and cost curves to
enhance diagnostic health management
metrics for gas turbine
engines Craig Davison and Chris Drummond (2010)
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
132(4) 041604 (8 pages) [PDF]
- Warning: Statistical benchmarking is
addictive. Kicking the habit in machine learning
Chris Drummond and Nathalie Japkowicz (2010)
Journal of
Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 22 pp
- Cost Curves: An Improved Method for Visualizing
Classifier Performance
Chris Drummond and Robert
C. Holte (2006)
Machine Learning 65(1) pp 95-130
- Inferring and Revising Theories with Confidence:
Analyzing the 1901 Canadian Census
Chris Drummond,
Stan Matwin and Chad Gaffield (2006)
Applied Artificial
Intelligence 20(1) pp 1-33 [PDF]
- Accelerating Reinforcement Learning by Composing
Solutions of Automatically Identified Subtasks
Chris Drummond (2002) Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Research 16 pp 59-104 [PDF]
- A Learning Agent that Assists the Browsing of
Software Libraries
Chris Drummond, Dan Ionescu and
Robert C. Holte (2000)
I.E.E.E. Transactions on
Software Engineering 26(12) pp 1179-1196 [PS]
Book Chapters
- Attribute, Class,
Classification. Chris Drummond (2011)
in Encyclopedia of Machine Learning Springer
Refereed Conference Papers
- Robustness of Classifiers to Changing
Houman Abbasian, Chris Drummond,
Nathalie Japkowicz and Stan Matwin (2010)
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on AI pp 232-243
- Improving bayesian learning using public
Farid Seifi, Chris Drummond, Nathalie
Japkowicz, and Stan Matwin (2010)
Proceedings of the
Canadian Conference on AI, pages 348–351 [PDF]
- Improved compressor maps using approximate solutions
to the Moore-Greitzer model
Chris Drummond and
Craig Davison (2009)
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo,
pages GT2009-60148 [PDF]
- Capturing the shape variance in gas turbine
compressor maps
Chris Drummond and Craig Davison
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, pages
GT2009-60141 [PDF]
- Application of cost matrices and cost curves to
enhance diagnostic health management
metrics for gas turbine
engines Craig Davison and Chris Drummond (2009)
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, pages
GT2009-59630 [PDF]
- Reverse-Engineering Costs: How much will a
Prognostic Algorithm save?
Chris Drummond and
Chunsheng Yang (2008) Proceedings of the International
on Prognostics and Health Management [PDF]
- Learning Multi-Dimensional Functions: Gas Turbine
Engine Modeling
Chris Drummond (2007)
Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference
on the
Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
LNAI 4702 pp 406-413 [PDF]
- Discriminative vs. Generative Classifiers for Cost
Sensitive Learning.
Chris Drummond (2006)
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Canadian Conference
Artificial Intelligence LNAI 4013 pp 479-490 [PDF]
- Severe Class Imbalance: Why Better Algorithms Aren't
the Answer
Chris Drummond and Robert C. Holte
Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference
of Machine Learning LNAI 3720 pp 539-546[PDF]
- Iterative Semi-Supervised Learning: Helping the User
to find the Right Records
Chris Drummond (2004)
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on
Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence and Expert Systems LNAI pp 1239-1248 [PDF]
- Explicitly Representing Expected Cost: An
Alternative to ROC Representation
Chris Drummond
and Robert C. Holte (2000) Proceedings of the Sixth
International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining pp 198-207 [PDF]
- Exploiting the Cost (In)sensitivity of Decision Tree
Splitting Criteria
Chris Drummond and Robert
C. Holte (2000)
Proceedings of the Seventeenth
International Conference on Machine Learning pp 239-246 [PDF]
- Composing Functions to Speed up Reinforcement
Learning in a Changing World
Chris Drummond (1998)
Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference
on Machine
Learning LNAI 1398 pp 370-381 [PDF]
- Using A Case-Base of Surfaces to Speed-Up
Reinforcement Learning
Chris Drummond (1997)
Proceedings of the Second International Conference
Case-Based Reasoning LNAI 1266 pp 435-444 [PS]
- Searching With Abstractions: A Unifying Framework
and New High-Performance Algorithm
Robert C. Holte,
Chris Drummond, M.B. Perez, R.M. Zimmer and A.J. MacDonald
Proceedings of the Tenth Canadian Conference on
Artificial Intelligence pp 263-270 [PS]
- Accelerating Browsing by Automatically Inferring a
User's Search Goal.
Chris Drummond, Robert C.
Holte and Dan Ionescu (1993)
Proceedings of the Eighth
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference pp 160-167
Workshop Papers
- Replicability is not reproducibility: Nor is it
good science
Chris Drummond (2009) In
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on
Machine Learning:
Workshop on Evaluation Methods for Machine
Learning IV (4 pages) [PDF]
- Finding a Balance between Anarchy and
Chris Drummond (2008) Proceedings of
the Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning:
Workshop on Evaluation Methods for Machine Learning III
(4 pages) [PDF]
- Cost-sensitive Classifier Evaluation Using Cost
Robert C. Holte and Chris Drummond (2008)
Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference
on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (invited talk). [PDF]
- Workshop Report: AAAI-2007 Workshop on Evaluation
Methods for Machine Learning II
Chris Drummond,
William Elamzeh, Nathalie Japkowicz, and Sofus A. Macskassy
(2007) AI Magazine
- Workshop Report: AAAI-2006 Workshop on Evaluation
Methods for Machine Learning
Chris Drummond,
William Elamzeh,and Nathalie Japkowicz(2007) AI Magazine
- Changing Failure Rates, Changing Costs: Choosing the
Right Maintenance Policy
Chris Drummond (2007)
Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium
on Artificial
Intelligence for Prognostic (3 pages) [PDF]
- Making Evaluation Robust but Robust to
Chris Drummond (2007) Proceedings of the
Twenty-Second National Conference
on Artificial
Intelligence: Workshop on Evaluation Methods for Machine
Learning II
AAAI Press Technical Report WS-07-05 pp
7-9 [PDF]
- Machine Learning as an Experimental Science
Chris Drummond (2006) Proceedings
of the Twenty-First National Conference
on Artificial
Intelligence: Workshop on Evaluation Methods for Machine
AAAI Press Technical Report WS-06-06 pp 1-5
- Learning to Live with False Alarms
Chris Drummond and Robert C. Holte (2005) Proceedings of
the Eleventh International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining: Workshop on Data Mining Methods for Anomaly
Detection (4 pages) [
- What ROC Curves Can't Do (and Cost Curves
Chris Drummond and Robert C. Holte (2004)
Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference
Artificial Intelligence: Workshop on ROC Analysis in AI (7
pages) [PS]
- C4.5, Class Imbalance, and Cost Sensitivity: Why
Under-Sampling beats Over-Sampling.
Chris Drummond
and Robert C. Holte (2003) Proceedings of the Twentieth
International Conference
on Machine Learning: Workshop on
Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets (II) (8 pages) [PDF]
- Inferring and Revising Theories with Confidence:
Data Mining the 1901 Canadian census
Chris Drummond
and Stan Matwin and Chad Gaffield (2002)
Proceedings of
the Fourteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence:
Workshop on Mining Official Data, (12 pages) [PS]
- A Learning Apprentice for Browsing
Robert C. Holte and Chris Drummond (1994) Proceedings of
the 1994 AAAI Spring Symposium on Software Agents (5 pages)
- Speeding up Human Problem-Solving by Machine
Robert C. Holte and Chris Drummond (1993)
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference
Machine Learning: Workshop on Knowledge Compilation and Speedup
Learning pp 86-89
- Automatic Goal Extraction from User Actions when
Browsing Software Libraries.
Chris Drummond, Dan
Ionescu and Robert C. Holte (1992)
Proceedings of the
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
pp WA6.31.1-WA6.31.4 [PS]
Technical Reports
- Discriminative vs. Generative Classifiers: An
In-Depth Experimental Comparison using Cost Curves
Chris Drummond (2005) NRC/ERB-1135. December 2005.
NRC 48480 (30 pages) [PDF]
- A Symbol's Role In Learning Low Level Control
Chris Drummond (1999) Ph.D.
Thesis Computer Science Departmnet, University of
Ottawa (226 pages) [PS.GZ]
- Preventing Overshoot of Splines with Application to
Reinforcement Learning
Chris Drummond
(1996) Computer Science Department Technical Report
TR-96-05 (7 pages) [PS]
- Automatic Goal Extraction From User Actions To
Accelerate The Browsing Of Software
Chris Drummond (1992) M.Sc. Thesis
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Ottawa (142
pages) [PS.GZ]