// Ilustrates the use of two iterators that implement the an interface called SIterator
// (there is an Iterator interface with the same funtionality in the Java library)

public class StringIteratorProblem


  public static void main(String[] args)


    String movie = "Software Engineering, it is great";

    StringIterator iter1 = new StringIterator(movie);


    StringIterator2 iter2 = new StringIterator2(movie);




  public static void printWithSpaces(SIterator iter)


     for (; iter.hasMoreElements(); iter.nextElement())


       System.out.print(iter.value() + " ");






public interface SIterator


 public boolean hasMoreElements();

 public Object nextElement();

 public void reset();

 public Object value();



class StringIterator implements SIterator


 String string;

 int index;


 StringIterator(String s) { string = s; index = 0; }


 public boolean hasMoreElements() { return index < string.length(); }


 public Object nextElement()


   char temp = string.charAt(index);


   return new Character(temp);



 public void reset() { index = 0; }


 public Object value()


   char temp = string.charAt(index);

   return new Character(temp);





class StringIterator2 implements SIterator


 String string;

 int index;


 StringIterator2(String s) { string = s; index = 0; }


 public boolean hasMoreElements() { return index < string.length(); }


 public Object nextElement()


   char temp = string.charAt(index);

   index = index + 2;

   return new Character(temp);



 public void reset() { index = 0; }


 public Object value()


   char temp = string.charAt(index);

   return new Character(temp);







S o f t w a r e   E n g i n e e r i n g ,   i t   i s   g r e a t

S f w r   n i e r n , i   s g e t