Text collection -------------- The collection includes 79923 documents, grouped in 322 files, from the Associated Press, 1988. The field should be indexed for each document. Optionally, the can be used. In the DOCNO field, the code uniquely identifies the document. An example of code is AP880212-0004 Queries (Topics) --------------- There are 50 Test Topics. The topics have a number, a title, a description and a longer explanation called narrative. You can use the content of the , <desc>, and <narr> fields for each query to extract keywords (or, if you prefer, only <title>, or <title> and <desc>). Relevance Judgments ------------------------------------------- To facilitate information retrieval experimentation, the ideal solution for the Test Topics is given in qrels1-50ap.txt The file contains binary relevance scores in the format used by trec_eval: TopicNumber DummyColumn DOCNO BinaryRelevance where DummyColumn is always zero, DOCNO is in the document name as explained above and BinaryRelevance is either 0 or 1. The relevance scores are sorted by topic, in ascending order. Examples: Document ----------------- <DOC> <DOCNO> AP880212-0004 </DOCNO> <FILEID>AP-NR-02-12-88 1637EST</FILEID> <1ST_LINE>r w AM-PeanutSupports 02-12 0155</1ST_LINE> <2ND_LINE>AM-Peanut Supports,150</2ND_LINE> <HEAD>Peanut Price Supports Will Go Higher This Year</HEAD> <DATELINE>WASHINGTON (AP) </DATELINE> <TEXT> Price supports for peanuts grown under 1988 quotas will be $615.27 per ton, an increase of $7.80 from last year, the Agriculture Department said Friday. Deputy Secretary Peter C. Myers said the increase was required by a formula in the law which takes rising production costs into consideration. The annual quota is set at a level equal to the estimated quantity of peanuts that will be needed for domestic edible uses, seed and related purposes. Production of non-quota peanuts, which can be grown for peanut oil and meal, and for export, will be supported at $149.75 per ton, unchanged from last year, Myers said. In setting the support for non-quota peanuts, officials are required to consider certain factors, including the demand for oil and meal, the expected prices for other vegetable oils and meals, and the foreign demand for peanuts. </TEXT> </DOC> Query (topic) ------------- <num>1 <title>Coping with overcrowded prisons <desc> The document will provide information on jail and prison overcrowding and how inmates are forced to cope with those conditions; or it will reveal plans to relieve the overcrowded condition. <narr> A relevant document will describe scenes of overcrowding that have become all too common in jails and prisons around the country. The document will identify how inmates are forced to cope with those overcrowded conditions, and/or what the Correctional System is doing, or planning to do, to alleviate the crowded condition. </top> Relevance judgements -------------------- 3 0 AP880731-0027 0 3 0 AP880803-0028 0 3 0 AP880803-0211 1 3 0 AP880804-0010 0 ...