Workshop schedule



9:00-9:10  Opening


9:10-10:00  Invited talk: Oren Glickman, “MoodBase: emotion analysis as a means of categorizing content”


10:05-10:30  Jerome Bellegarda, “Emotion Analysis Using Latent Affective Folding and Embedding”


10:30-11:00  Coffee break


11:00-11:25  Narendra Gupta, Mazin Gilbert and Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, “Emotion Detection in Email Customer Care”


11:25-11:50   Fazel Keshtkar and Diana Inkpen, “A Corpus-based Method for Extracting Paraphrases of Emotion Terms”


11:50-12:15  Saif Mohammad and Peter Turney, “Emotions Evoked by Common Words and Phrases: Using Mechanical Turk to Create an Emotion Lexicon”


12:15-14:00  Lunch break


14:00-14:25  Amit Goyal, Ellen Riloff, Hal Daume III and Nathan Gilbert, “Toward Plot Units: Automatic Affect State Analysis”


14:25-14:50  Sophia Yat Mei Lee, Ying Chen and Chu-Ren Huang, “A Text-driven Rule-based System for Emotion Cause Detection”


14:50-15:15  Ramanand J, Krishna Bhavsar and Niranjan Pedanekar, “Wishful Thinking - Finding suggestions and 'buy' wishes from product reviews”


15:15-15:45  Coffee break


15:45-16:10  Sunghwan Mac Kim, Alessandro Valitutti and Rafael A. Calvo, “Evaluation of Unsupervised Emotion Models to Textual Affect Recognition”


16:10- 17:30  Poster session