CSI4900 Honours Project - Fall 2022 and Winter 2023
- For CSI students: 18 credits of CSI or SEG courses at the 3000 or
4000 level. Permission of the Department is required.
- If you do not have the prerequisites, you are not allowed to take this course.
- Note that the project presentations for the Fall term will be
held on Thursday December 8, 11:00-15:15, on
Friday December 9, 14:00-16:30, and on Tuesday December 20, 13:450-17:30.
A link to the schedule can be found here.
Remember that you are required to attend at least 2/3 of the
presentations, and are encouraged to attend more.
- An information session will be held in December
on Zoom for students in the Winter 2023 term (date TBD). There
will be a short presentation of general information and a
question/answer session.
The Zoom link will be posted on Brightspace.
- The Cognos Prize will be awarded to one team in the Fall 2022 term
and one in the Winter 2023 term, to recognize the top fourth year
honours projects in Computer Science. Information will be available here
A. Choosing Your Project
Please read this page carefully and follow
these steps to choose and register your project:
- The
projects page is there to help you to select a project.
Professors continue to update their project pages, so keep checking
for updates. You can also propose your own project, but you must find
a professor to supervise your work.
- Contact the professor and if you and the professor agree to work
together, proceed to the next step else go back to 1.
- Then you must register your project. Project registration is
available on Brightspace about one month before the term starts.
Projects must be done in teams of 1-3 people.
When you register a project, you are committed to complete that
project. If there are any problems please contact me by email. Once
you choose a project, mention your project title in any correspondence
regarding CSI4900.
B. Project Reports
- You are required to write a project report. The material that you
will be required to include in your report is project dependent and
should be discussed in detail with your project supervisor
- The project report will be marked by your project supervisor.
- The due date will be during the exam period and will be posted
- Friday, December 23 at 16:00 (Fall term)
- TBD (Winter term)
- Your report must be submitted electronically using
your Brightspace
- The due dates are firm. No exceptions allowed. Not even your
supervisor is allowed to give you an extension. It is advisable to
start working on your project as soon as you choose it.
C. Presentations
- One project presentation is required for each project team (not
one per student).
- Each presentation will last 15 minutes (including setup time and
end-of-talk questions).
- Each presentation can be done either in French or English.
- An assigned professor will evaluate your project presentation (see
marking scheme below).
- If the presentation is in-person, the computer used for the presentations will likely be the
podium computer in a SITE classroom or lab.
Laptop hookup will also be available.
The Fall 2022 presentation will all be online (via Zoom).
- The time slot for each presentation will be assigned by me at
random (each project team will have equal probability of being
assigned to the latest time slot).
- All project presentations will take place during the last two or
three weeks of the term. The complete timetable for project
presentations will be posted on the CSI4900 Homepage.
- For the Fall term, the presentations will take place on
December 8, 9, and 20. The schedule can be
found here.
- Please read this important
information on how to prepare your presentation.
- Each student must attend to at least 2/3
of all the project presentations (including his/her own
presentation). Any student who cannot attend to this amount of
presentations because of time table conflicts with other U of O
courses must contact me and indicate to me the list of courses in
conflict (so I can verify this fact with the registration office).
Hence, any other reasons like conflicts with your employer (e.g.: in
the case of part-time students) are not considered as valid reasons
for not attending to at least 2/3 of all the project
presentations. Attendance at each presentation will be recorded.
D. Marking scheme
Your supervisor will evaluate your
project and give you your mark accordingly. Your project presentation will
(possibly) modify your mark in the following way:
- Remains the same if your talk is satisfactory.
- Increases by 1 point (ex: from B to B+) if your talk is
- Decreases by 1 point (ex: from B to C+) if your talk is not
A talk is said to be satisfactory if:
- it makes effective use of audiovisual aids.
- the topic is introduced and explained clearly.
- the presentation is well organized with a proper balance of time
allocated to the introduction, methodology, solutions, results and
- it shows good technical content (ingenuity of the approach,
technical competence of the project group, usefulness of the results,...).
An assigned CSI professor will be the one who will classify your
talk. From previous year results, it is expected that about 20% of the
presentations will be judged superior and about 20% of the
presentations will be judged not satisfactory but this, of course, can
Prof. Paola Flocchini
e-mail: paola.flocchini@uottawa.ca