// -*- Mode: Java -*- // Simulation.java --- implements this discrete time simulation // Author : Marcel Turcotte // Created On : Sat Mar 3 07:56:14 2007 // Last Modified By: Vahdat Abdelzad // Last Modified On: Wed Mar 9 23:00:00 2016 // ITI 1121/1521. Introduction to Computer Science II public class Simulation { // Constants private static final String nl = System.lineSeparator(); private static final int SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60; private static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60; private static final int TICK = 5; private static final double PROBABILITY_NEW_ARRIVAL = 0.125; private static final int EXPRESS_MAX_NUM_ITEMS = 12; // Instance variables private Cashier express; private Cashier regular; private int lengthOfSimulation; // Constructor public Simulation( int duration ) { lengthOfSimulation = duration; express = new Cashier(); regular = new Cashier(); } public void run() { int currentTime = 0; while ( currentTime < lengthOfSimulation ) { if ( Math.random() <= PROBABILITY_NEW_ARRIVAL ) { Customer customer = new Customer( currentTime ); if ( customer.getNumberOfItems() <= EXPRESS_MAX_NUM_ITEMS ) { express.addCustomer( customer ); } else { regular.addCustomer( customer ); } } express.serveCustomers( currentTime ); regular.serveCustomers( currentTime ); currentTime += TICK; } display(); } private void display() { System.out.println( "SIMULATION :: " ); System.out.println( "The duration (in seconds) of the simulation was " + lengthOfSimulation + nl ); System.out.println( "EXPRESS CHECKOUT LINE :: " ); System.out.println( express ); System.out.println( "REGULAR CHECKOUT LINE :: " ); System.out.println( regular ); } public static void main(String[] args) { int duration = SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR * 8; Simulation sim = new Simulation( duration ); sim.run(); } }