Title: Congestion control method for a packet-switched network such as wireless or mobile networks, where a packet queue length in a network node is determined and a congestion notification is transmitted back towards the source
Inventors: Jian MA, Fei PENG, Jing WU
Patent Numbers: WO200145331-A; EP1240753-A; WO200145331-A1; AU200030381-A; EP1240753-A1
NOVELTY - Method and network for controlling congestion in a packet-switched network, comprises traffic sources, traffic destinations and network nodes, where a packet queue length in a network node is determined and a congestion notification is transmitted back towards the source address of an incoming data packet received at the network node, if the detected packet queue length exceeds a predetermined threshold. Then, congestion control is performed at a predetermined intermediate network node in response to the receipt of the congestion notification.
USE - For wireless or mobile networks.
ADVANTAGE - Burst of source traffic can be constrained and unnecessary packet losses can be avoided already at an intermediate access node and within the network. The congestion notification message generated due to an incipient congestion is immediately routed back according to its source address. As a result, control delay time is shortened, such that buffer size requirements and number of congestion notification messages are reduced.