Papers and Monographs
PDF versions of most of the documents listed here are available at the major online bibliographic indexes such as
DBLP and
Google scholar.
- Bernard Asare, Paula Branco, Iluju Kiringa, and Tet Hin Yeap,
"AddShare+: Efficient Selective Additive Secret Sharing Approach for Private Federated Learning". In Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA),
Special Session on Private, Secure, and Trust Data Analytics (PSTDA) 2024.
- Bhavesh Singh Bisht, Iluju Kiringa, Tet Hin Yeap, "Corn yield prediction using spatial-temporal data and deep learning". In ICMLA 2023: 1792-1798.
- Patrick Killeen, Ci Lin, Futong Li, Iluju Kiringa, and Tet Hin Yeap,
"IoT-based smart farming architecture using federated learning: a nitrous oxide emission prediction use case". To appear in ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable
Societies, 2024.
- Patrick Killeen, Ci Lin, Futong Li, Iluju Kiringa, Tet Hin Yeap, "Nitrous oxide emission prediction using IoT soil and weather sensor data". Submitted to
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement . 2024.
- Gautam Vira, Patrick Killeen, Tet Yeap, and Iluju Kiringa, "Predictive Maintenance by Detection of Gradual Faults in an IoT-Enabled Public Bus". In CCECE 2024: 570-576.
- Patrick Killeen, Iluju Kiringa, Tet Hin Yeap, and Paula Branco,
"Corn grain yield prediction using UAV-based high spatio-temporal resolution imagery, machine learning, and spatial cross-validation." In Remote Sensing 2024, 16(4): 683.
- Patrick Killeen, Iluju Kiringa, Tet Hin Yeap, and Paula Branco, "Using UAV-based multispectral imagery, data-driven models, and spatial cross-validation
for corn grain yield prediction". In ICDM (Workshops) 2023: 823-831.
- Ci Lin, Futong Li, Patrick Killeen, Tet Yeap, and Iluju Kiringa, "Agriculture-informed neural networks for predicting nitrous oxide emissions". In
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 5(4): 24:1-24:23, 2024).
- Tet Hin Yeap, Iluju Kiringa, Paula Branco, Patrick Killeen, Ci Lin, Bernard Asare, David Owusu, Futong Li, "Predicting Crop Yields and Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Using Data Collected at the Area X.O Smart Farming Research Fields: A Progress Report". CASCON 2023: 245-247.
- Bernard Asare, Paula Branco, Iluju Kiringa, and Tet Hin Yeap,
"AddShare: A privacy-preserving approach for federated learning". In ESORICS Workshops (1) 2023: 299-309.
- Yuri B. Boiko, Iluju Kiringa, and Tet Hin Yeap, "Extended Pulsation Attack Against Kalman Filter Driven BLDC Motor Control System". In ACIT 2023: 397-402.
- Ci Lin, Tet Hin Yeap, and Iluju Kiringa, "On the Basin of Attraction and Capacity of Restricted Hopfield Network as an Auto-Associative Memory". In CyberC 2023: 146-154.
- Yuri B. Boiko, Iluju Kiringa, and Tet Hin Yeap, "Voltage hopping induced by bias injection attack against Kalman filter of BLDC motor". In ICAIC 2023: 1-5.
- Killeen Patrick, Kiringa Iluju, and Yeap Tet, "Unsupervised Dynamic Sensor Selection for IoT-based Predictive Maintenance of a Fleet of Public Transport Buses". In the
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 3(3): 21:1-21:36, 2022.
- Ci Lin, Yeap Tet, and Kiringa Iluju, Stacked Bidirectional LSTM for Predicting Emission of
Nitrous Oxide. In the Proceedings of Canadian AI 2022
- Li Xiaoyan, Kiringa Iluju, Yeap Tet, Zhu Xiaodan, and Li Yifeng [2020],
"Anomaly Detection Based on Unsupervised Disentangled Representation Learning
in Combination with Manifold Learning". To appear in Proc. of
- Sid Ryan, Roberto Corizzo, Iluju Kiringa, Nathalie Japkowicz [2019],
"Deep Learning Versus Conventional Learning in Data Streams with Concept
Drifts". ICMLA 2019: 1306-1313.
- Sid Ryan, Roberto Corizzo, Iluju Kiringa, Nathalie Japkowicz [2019],
"Pattern and Anomaly Localization in Complex and Dynamic Data". In
ICMLA 2019: 1756-1763.
- Li Xiaoyan, Kiringa Iluju, Yeap Tet, Zhu Xiaodan, and Li Yifeng [2019],
"Exploring Deep Anomaly Detection Methods Based on Capsule Net". In
the ICML Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning
- Boiko Yuri, Yeap Tet, and Kiringa Iluju, "Navigational Data Imputation
with GPS Pinning in Compositional Kalman Filters for IoT systems". In IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2019).
- Killeen P., Ding B., Kiringa I., Yeap T. [2019], "IoT-based predictive maintenance for fleet management". In EDI40 2019.
- Malondkar Ameya, Corizzo Roberto, Kiringa Iluju, Ceci Michelangelo, and
Japkowic Nathalie [2018], "Spark-GHSOM: Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map for large scale mixed attribute datasets". Inn Information Sciences (Elsevier), 2019.
- Kalala K., Feng T., and Kiringa I. [2017],
"EigenTrust for Hierarchically Structured Chord". In STM 2017: 203-212.
- Filatov M., Kantere V., and Kiringa I. [2017],
"Workflow Optimization in PAW". In ICDCS 2017: 2045-2052.
- Wang Z., Mao Y. , and Kiringa I. [2015] "Non-Binary Distributed Arithmetic Coding". In CWIT 2015.
- Awada R. and Kiringa I. [2015], "Data Sharing and Exchange: General Data-Mapping Semantics". In
Beyond Database Architectures and Structures (BDAS 2015).
- Mireku Kwakye M., Kiringa I., and Viktor H. [2014], "Instance-Based Integration of Multidimensional Data Models". In the International Journal On Advances in Software, 7(1-2): 402-421 (2014).
- Awada R., Barcelo P., and Kiringa I. [2013], "Sharing and Exchanging Data". INAP 2013.
- Awada R. and Kiringa I. [2013], "GDE: General Data Exchange with Schema and Data Level Mappings". AMW 2013.
- Mireku Kwakye M., Kiringa I., and Viktor H. [2013], "Merging Multidimensional Data Models:
A Practical Approach for Schema and Data Instances". In the 5th International Conference
on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA),
p. 100-107, 2013. This paper won a Best Paper award.
- Gardezi J., Bertossi L. and Kiringa I. [2012], "Matching dependencies: semantics and query answering".
In Frontiers of Computer Science 6(3): 278-292 (2012).
- Rahman A., Masud M., Kiringa I. and El-Saddik A. [2012], "Tableaux-based optimization
of schema mappings for data integration". In J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 38(2): 533-554 (2012).
- Gardezi, J., Bertossi, L. and Kiringa, I. [2011], "Matching Dependencies with
Arbitrary Attribute Values: Semantics, Query Answering and Integrity Constraints".
To appear in Proc. of the International Workshop on Logic in Databases (LID 2011).
- Masud M. and Kiringa I. [2011], "Update Translation in Instance-Mapped
Heterogeneous Peer Databases". In International Journal of Semantic
Computing 5(2): 211-234 (2011).
- Masud, M. and Kiringa I. [2011], "Transaction Processing in a Peer
to Peer Database Network". In Data and Knowledge Engineering 70: 307-334 (2011).
- Kantere V., Maher M., Kiringa I. , Sellis T., and Mylopoulos J. [2010],
"Peer Coordination through Distributed Triggers". In PVLDB 3(2): 1561-1564 (2010)
- Chen R., Mao Y., and Kiringa I. [2010],
"GRN Model of Probabilistic Databases: Construction, Transition and Querying".
In SIGMOD Conference 2010: 291-302.
- Chen R., Mao Y., and Kiringa I. [2010],
"Generator-Recognizer Networks: A Unified Approach to Probabilistic Databases".
In ICDE 2010: 169-172.
- Masud, M., Kiringa I., and Ural H. [2009], "Update Processing in Instance-Mapped
334 P2P Data Sharing Systems". In Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 18(3-4): 339-379 (2009).
- Kiringa I. and Gabaldon A. [2009], "Synthesizing Advanced
Transaction Models Using the Situation Calculus".
In J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 35(2): 157-212 (2010).
- Rahman A., Masud M., Kiringa I., and El Saddik A. [2009],
"Bi-Level Mapping: Combining Schema
and Data Level Heterogeneity in Peer Data Sharing Systems". In the Proc. of the
Alberto Mendelzon Workshop on Foundations of Data Management (AMW), 2009
- Rahman A., Masud M., Kiringa I., and El Saddik A. [2009], "A Peer Data
Sharing System Combining Schema and Data Level Mappings".
In Int. J. Semantic Computing 3(1): 105-129 (2009).
- Aminul Islam, Diana Inkpen, and Iluju Kiringa [2008],
"Applications of Corpus-Based Semantic Similarity and
Word Segmentation to Database Schema Matching" (28 pages).
In VLDB Journal 17(5), 2008, 1293-1320.
- Yousaf T., Kiringa I., and Jiang L. [2008], "Open Service Architectures
for the Hyperion Peer Database Management System".
In the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 27(1),
March 2008, 53-75.
- Masud M. and Kiringa I. [2008],
"Maintaining Consistency in a Failure-Prone
P2P Database Network during Transaction Processing. In DAMAP 2008
(in connection with EDBT 2008).
- Masud M. and Kiringa I. [2008], "PDST: A Peer Database
Simulation Tool for Data Sharing Systems". In SIMUTools'08.
- Kiringa I. [2008], "Specifying Active Databases as non-Markovian Theories
of Actions". To appear in the Journal of Intelligent
Information Systems.
pdf (long version -- 58 pages)
- Masud M. and Kiringa I. [2007], "Acquaintance Based Consistency
in an Instance-Mapped P2P Data Sharing System During Transaction
Processing". In COOPIS 2007.
Volume 4803 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 169-187, Springer.
- Masud M. and Kiringa I. [2007], "Data Synchronization in an
Instance-Mapped P2P Data Sharing System". In DOA 2007.
Volume 4803 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 7-8, Springer.
- Islam A., Inkpen D., and Kiringa I. [2007], "Database Schema Matching
using Corpus-based Semantic Similarity and Word Segmentation".
To appear in P2PDBIS 2007 (in connection with VLDB 2007).
- Masud, M., Kiringa I., and Ural H. [2007], "Update Propagation and Data
Synchronization in Instance-Mapped Peer Data Sharing Systems".
To appear in InterDB 2007 (in connection with VLDB 2007).
- Kantere V., Kiringa I., and Mylopoulos J. [2007],
"Supporting Distributed
Event-Condition-Action Rules in a Multidatabase Environment Through
Decomposition". In the International Journal of
Cooperative Information Systems 16(3/4), September and december
2007, 467-506.
- Aminul Islam, Diana Inkpen, and Iluju Kiringa [2007],
"A Generalized Approach to Word Segmentation Using Maximum Length
Descending Frequency and Entropy Rate", in A. Gelbukh (Ed.):
Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
(CICLing 2007), LNCS 4394, p.175-185, 2007.
- Md. Anisur Rahman, Anwar Hossain, Iluju Kiringa, Abdulmotaleb El
Saddik [2006], "Towards an ontology for MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions". In
Proc. Intelligent Interactive Learning Object Repositories (I2LOR)
Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, November 2006.
- M. Anwar Hossain, Md. Anisur Rahman, Iluju Kiringa and Abdulmotaleb
El Saddik [2006],
"MeTaMaF: Metadata Tagging and Mapping Framework for Managing
Multimedia Content". To appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2006), December 11-13,
2006, San Diego, California, USA.
- Md. Anisur Rahman, M. Anwar Hossain, Iluju Kiringa and Abdulmotaleb
El Saddik [2006],
"Ontology-based Unification of MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions".
To appear in the Proceedings of IEEE ICECE-2006, Dec. 19-21,
2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Kantere V., Kiringa I., Mylopoulos J., McArthur G., and Q. Zhou [2006],
"Distributed Triggers for Peer Data Management". In the
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS'06).
- Gu Y. and Kiringa I. [2006], "Model Checking Meets Theorem Proving:
a Situation Calculus Based Approach". In the Proceedings of
Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR'06).
- Zhao D., Mylopoulos J., Kiringa I., and Kantere V. Kantere V. [2006],
"An ECA Rule Rewriting Mechanism
for Peer Data Management". In the Proceedings of EDBT'06.
- Rodriguez-Gianolli P., Garzetti M., Jiang L., Kementsietsidis A.,
Kiringa I., Masud M., Miller R., and Mylopoulos J. [2005], "Peer DB
Systems -- Data Sharing in the Hyperion Peer Database System". Demo at
- Masud, M., Kiringa I., and Kementsietsidis A. [2005], "Don't Mind Your
Vocabulary: Data Sharing Across Heterogeneous Peers".
In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS'05 - OMT Conferences).
Volume 3760 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 292-309, Springer.
- Rodriguez-Gianolli P., Garzetti M., Jiang L., Kementsietsidis A.,
Kiringa I., Masud M., Miller R., and Mylopoulos J. [2005], "Data
Sharing in the Hyperion Peer Database System". In the
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Very Large Databases (VLDB'05), p. 1291-1294.
- Hossain D. and Kiringa I. [2005], "Querying Communities of Interest in
Peer Datyabase Networks". In Databases, Information Systems,
and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P'05).
Volume 4125 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 227-234, Springer.
- Rahman M.A., Kiringa I., and El Saddik A. [2004], "Generalization of an
Algorithm for Checking Consistency of Mapping Tables in a P2P System".
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer
and Information Technology (ICCIT 2004), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 2004.
- Marcelo Arenas, Vasiliki Kantere, Anastasios Kementsietsidis, Iluju Kiringa,
Renee Miller, and John Mylopoulos [2003],
"The Hyperion Project: From Data Integration to Data Coordination".
In SIGMOD RECORD 32(3), September 2003, 53-58.
- Vasiliki Kantere, Iluju Kiringa, John Mylopoulos, Anastasios Kementsietsidis,
and Marcelo Arenas [2003],
"Coordinating Peer Databases Using ECA Rules".
Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing:
First InternationalWorkshop, DBISP2P 2003 Berlin, Germany,
September 7 - 8, 2003. Volume 2944 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, p. 108-122, Springer. This paper had Best Paper reviews
- Vasiliki Kantere, John Mylopoulos, and Iluju Kiringa [2003],
"A Distributed Rule Mechanism for Multidatabase Systems".
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS'03). Volume 2888 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, p. 56-73, Springer.
- Iluju Kiringa and Alfredo Gabaldon [2003],
"Expressing Transactions with Savepoints as Non-Markovian Theories of
Actions". The 9th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation
Meets Databases (KRDB'03), Hamburg, 2003.
- Iluju Kiringa and Ray Reiter [2003],
"A Unifying Semantics for Active Databases Using Non-Markovian Theories
of Actions". In Data Bases and Programming Languages
(DBPL'03), Postdam, September 2003. ps
- Iluju Kiringa [2002],
"Specifying Event Logics for Active Databases".
The KR 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation
Meets Databases (KRDB'02), Toulouse, April 2002, p. 79-91.
- Iluju Kiringa [2001],
"Simulation of Advanced Transaction Models Using GOLOG".
In Data Bases and Programming Languages (DBPL'01), Rome, September 2001.
Volume 2397 of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 318-341,
Springer, 2002. ps
- Iluju Kiringa [2001],
"Towards a Theory of Advanced Transaction Models in the Situation
Calculus (Extended Abstract)". Proceedings of the
VLDB 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation
Meets Databases (KRDB'01), Rome, September 2001, p. 97-106.
- Iluju Kiringa [2001],
"A Theory of Advanced Transaction Models in the Situation
Calculus". Short paper, LICS'01. Boston, June 01.
- Iluju Kiringa [2003], Logical Foundations of Active Databases.
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 232p.
- Iluju Kiringa [1996]. Epistemic
Concepts in the Golog Language for Actions. Master Thesis in
Computer Science, University of Bonn, Germany, 100p. Monograph in German.
- Iluju Kiringa [1992-9].
a Rule": Wittgenstein's Notion of Rule in the "Philosophical
Investigations. Monograph in German, 250p.
- Iluju Kiringa [1992].
Question-Theoretical Systems of J. Hintikka and L. Aqvist:
Presentation and Comparison. Master Thesis
in Philosophy,
University of Bonn, Germany. Monograph in German.