of ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science

GNG 1106D: Fundamentals of Engineering Computation, Winter 2012

General Notes
  1. Academic Fraud: please carefully note and understand regulations regarding academic fraud, as covered in the Faculty Regulations document (starts on page 22). There will be zero tolerance for fraud and plagiarism.
  2. Attendance: Attendance of lectures, discussion groups, and labs is mandatory. As per academic regulations, students who do not attend 80% of the classes will not be allowed to write the final examinations.
  3. Deliverables: All components of the course (i.e laboratory reports, assignments, etc.) must be fulfilled otherwise students may receive an INC as a final mark (equivalent to an F). This is also valid for a student who is taking the course for the second time.

Professor:Liam Peyton,, ext. 2122
Office Hours: Thursday 10:00 – 11:30, STE 5-074 (please email me at least a day before to setup an appoinment!)
TAs and their Office Hours:
Suryakant Choudhary (Lab 1), , Mondays 13:00 - 14:00, SITE-4009A
Toqueer Israr (Lab 2),, Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30, STE 4-020
Houman Rastgar (Lab3),, Thursdays 1:00-2:15, STE 4-048

Lectures and Lab hours: See


Introduction to computer systems. Problem solving for engineering case studies. Emphasis is on the design of algorithms and their implementation for solving engineering problems using C. Introduction to Visual Basic.


1- Etter, Engineering Problem Solving with C, 3/E
2- Schneider, Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0


Labs: Threre will be 5 labs. Labs are done on an individual basis. For each lab you must: complete prelab work BEFORE the lab starts; create a running program; and submit a lab report. See attached. Submission of the report is done through Maestro.
Note: Mastero is automatically programmed to accept submissions until a certain deadline (usually 1 week after the lab is given). Once the deadline passes, you will not be able to submit your report, and you will get a mark of zero for that report (but still receive partial marks for prelab work and running program shown to TA during lab). Please do not email your report to the TA or the professor (they will not accept it) if you missed the deadline for ANY reason, even reasons such as:
To avoid a mark of zero due to missing the submission deadline, please upload your report well in advance to have enough time to deal with unexpected problems, whether technical or otherwise.

Midterm: will be closed book and based on material covered in the course (lectures and labs). The midterm will be given on Thursday February 16. 2012 in the class.

Final Exam: will be closed book and based on everything covered during the course (lectures and labs).



Week of
(NOT day of!)


Lectures (Tue / Thu)

January 9

Introduction / Lecture 1

January 16

* Tutorial given
* Lab 1 problem set posted on Maestro

Lecture 2/3

January 23

Lab 1 sessions given

Lecture 4/5

January 30

* Lab 1 report due (Fri)
* Lab 2 problem set posted on Maestro

Lecture 6/7

February 6

Lab 2 sessions given.

Lecture 8/9

February 13

Lab 2 report due (Fri)

Midterm review / Midterm

February 20

Lab 3 problem set posted on Maestro

Study week

February 27

Lab 3 sessions given

Lecture 10/11

March 5

* Lab 3 report due (Fri)
* Lab 4 problem set posted on Maestro

Lecture 12/13

March 12

Lab 4 sessions given

Lecture 14/15

March 19

* Lab 4 report due (Fri)
* Lab 5 problem set posted on Maestro

Lecture 16/17

March 26

Lab 5 sessions given Lecture 18/19

April 2

Lab 5 report due (Fri)

Lecture 20/Final exam review

April 9