SEG4189 - Electronic Commerce Technologies.

Dr. Peyton is the instructor for SEG4189

Course Description

Basic e-commerce concepts, business models, and functional architectures. Internet infrastructure and tools (including support for wireless). XML, JSON, REST and related technologies. Secure electronic transactions. Public key Infrastructure. Emerging standards and consortiums to support electronic commerce. Introduction to technical, legal and business issues in e-commerce (agents, auctions, privacy, digital rights etc.) as well as supply chain, business process management, RFID and performance management. Case studies.

The course involves a hands-on project, and directed research on technologies and businesses in addition to lectures.


v  SEG3102/3502 and CSI2132/2532


Reference Materials


1.      Mobile Commerce. Bandyopadhyay, Karabi. Prentice-Hall, 2013.

2.      Strategies for e-Business: Creating value through electronic and mobile commerce CONCEPTS AND CASES (3rd Edition) by Tawfik Jelassi, Albrecht Enders, and Francisco J Martinze-Lopez


Throughout the course, lectures and papers will supplement the text books with current topics from industry and academic research.


There is a general list of technology and research links and online tutorials for e-commerce that students will find relevant.

There is material from these courses that are relevant as well:



Friday/Vendredi 19:00-22:00 in SITE 4-004

Tutorials / Laboratories

            Scheduled on an as-needed basis.

            Students will schedule regular meetings with the professor individually for guidance and mentoring on their directed hands-on research project.

Office Hours

Prof. Liam Peyton, : Wednesday/Mercredi 10:00 - 12:00 in SITE 5074


v  Test1 (June) 30%

v  Test2 (July) 30%

v  Directed Hands-On Research Project (August) 40%

Ø  Presentation and Report


Project Instructions


Class Schedule

Lecture 1

Intro to BPM 

Lecture 2


Lecture 3

BPM and Quality Assurance

Lecture 4

Electronic Supply Chain Management,

RFID TechnologyRFID Primer

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Electronic Commerce Business Scenarios (Search Scenario)

Google Notes

Search Engine Architecture

Search Engine Paper

PageRank Paper

Lecture 7

Electronic Commerce Business Scenarios (Business Matching Scenario – credit card payment)

Securing Electronic Commerce

Vulnerability Assessment

Accessibility Issues and Guidelines

Browser History (cached)

Lecture 8

Electronic Commerce Business Scenarios (Consumer Tracking Scenario)



Privacy, E-Commerce, and Cookies

Data Mining

Lecture 9

Identity and Transparency in Web 2.0

Identity Management Paper

Lecture 10

            Special Topics / Review

