CSI2131-2002: Midterm Test Information
- Time and room confirmation
The midterm time is
Saturday March 2, from 3:00-5:00 pm.
Room: Section A: MNT 202; Section B: MNT 203.
- Format
The midterm will be multiple choice
worth 25 marks.
There will be around 16-17 questions.
Some questions will be worth 1 mark,
some will be worth 2 marks. Some of the
2 mark questions will have two related
parts or subquestions.
- Topics
Topics on the midterm:
All lectures up to lecture 11, inclusive, AND
all topics of assignments up to assignment#2,
The approximate amount of marks per topic
will be similar to last year's midterm test
available from the web page; of course,
co-sequential processing excluded, since not in
this year's midterm.
- Tutorial instead of lab (on the week before the midterm)
The midterm detailed solution will be the topic
of next weeks
which will be held instead of a lab, in a classroom, on the
same time a lab would be held.
The lecture room schedule is available