Oscillometric model
Copyright (C) 2022 Miodrag Bolic
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% Changing the path from main_folder to a particular chapter
cd (append(main_path,'/Chapter5/Babbs_Model'))
SAVE_FLAG=0; % saving the figures in a file
This notebook provides introduction to models and algorithms for blood pressure measurements.
Figure below represents the cross-section of the cuff, arm and artery system. The grey circle is the cross-section of the upper arm with the bone and the artery shown inside. The outermost black circle represents the cuff that is wrapped around the arm. Cuff pressure is denoted as
. The internal pressure in the artery is denoted as
. The signal at the output of the pressure transducer represent the pressure obtained during cuff deflation (deflation curve). Small pulses are supperimposed on the deflation curve and these pulses are extracted and amplified in the bottom right corner of Figure. They form a waveform called the oscillometric waveform. The envelope of the oscillometric waveform is called oscillometric waveform envelope. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) are obtained by processing the oscillometric envelope using oscillometric algorithms.

Our goal is to compute SBP and DBP from the oscillometric waveform. In order to do that, we will present first a physiological and system model that explains how the blood pressure data is generated. Next, we will present the algorithm. Therefore, the model includes:
- Model of the cuff and the artery that is used to generate the oscillometric waveform
- Oscillometric algorithms
- Analysis of the accuracy of the oscillometric algorithm
Arm-Artery System Model
The arm-artery model is based on the paper:
The model introduces transmural pressure
that represents the pressure of both sides of the arterial wall. When the cuff is placed around the upper arm and the pressure is applied, the volume of the artery reduces. The volume of the artery is related to the pressure as
(1)During cuff deflation, total pressure is computed as the sum of the decreasing cuff pressure with the rate r, and superimposed variations due to arterial volume Va(t) changes in each cardiac cycle:
is the compliance of the cuff and it can be modeled as
, where
is the athnospheric pressure and
is the maximum volume of hte cuff. Next, we will introduce the parameters of the model including:
Pressure parameters and signals (with the time index t):
- systolic pressure: SBP
- diastolic pressure: DBP
- pulse pressure: PP= SBP-DBP
- arterial pressure: Pa(t)
- transmural pressure: Pt(t) where
Deflation and cuff parameters
- pressure up the which the duff is inflated: P0=SBP+30
- rate of cuff deflation: rate (r)
- volume of the cuff: V0
Artery parameters
- radius of the artery in cm: r
- length of the artery covered by the cuff in cm: L
- resting artery volume:

- the volume of the artery
vs transmural pressure as in (1) - compliance constants of the arterial model: a and b
- heart rate in Hz: heart_rate
Matlab model of the Arm-Artery System
Several parameters that are not related to the model will be introduced first:
We will first simulate the signal for normal values of blood rpessure of SBP=120 mmHg and DBP=80 mmHg.
%Computing the parameters
PP= SBP-DBP; % pulse pressure
P0=SBP+30; % start of cuff deflation
Arterial pulse Pa(t) is modeled as Fourier series based on [1]. We also compute its derivative dP_dt. Please note that the shape does not eactly follows the arterial pulse pressure morphology. % Model of the arterial pulse and its derivative
ylabel("Arterial pressure (mmHg)")
Next, we will show arterial volume against the transmural pressure for several different patient conditions.
Compliance constants a and b allow us to simulate different patient conditions. Increasing a and b in proportion results in larger volume changes for a given pressure change and therefore larger values of a and b can be used to represent a more compliant artery. Decreasing a and b in proportion reduces the volume change for a given pressure change and so that smaller values of a and b represent a stiffer artery. Increasing the ratio
represents a greater maximal distension. Decreasing the ratio a/b represents a smaller maximal distension. We will analyze the shape of the Va(t) vs Pt(t) curve for the cases of: normal arterial stifness, stiff artery, artery with hhalf normal stifness and the artery with increased maximal distension. Please note that the blood pressure should normally increase when the artery is stiffer - however in this example we will keep SBP and DBP the same and only chage complieance parameters a and b. ArteryProp.a(1)=0.11; ArteryProp.b(1)=0.03; ArteryProp.c(1)="Normal";
ArteryProp.a(2)=0.076; ArteryProp.b(2)=0.021; ArteryProp.c(2)="Stiff";
%ArteryProp.a(3)=0.158; ArteryProp.b(3)=0.0432; ArteryProp.c(3)="Half normal";
ArteryProp.a(3)=0.11; ArteryProp.b(3)=0.0244; ArteryProp.c(3)="Greater maximal distension";
r=0.12; % radius of the artery in cm
L=10; % length of the artery covered by the cuff in cm
Va0=3.14*(r)^2*L; %The resting artery volume
rate=2.5; % Deflation rate in mmHg/s
% Volume vs transmural pressure - equation (4) from the paper [1]
for j=1:length(ArteryProp.a)
legend_arter=[legend_arter ArteryProp.c(j)];
xlabel("Transmural pressure (mmHg)")
title('Volume vs. transmural pressure curves')
annonation_save('',"Fig5.5.jpg", SAVE_FLAG);
Let us now show how the transmural pressure and the volume change over time. Let us consider normal arteries first.
Excersize: Plot the graph below for different cases of arterial stifness. Explain the results.
j=2; % choose 1 for normal, 2 for stiff, 3 for half normal and 4 for the increased maximal distension
ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)")
title("Transmural pressure")
exportgraphics(gcf,"Fig5.6.jpg", 'Resolution',600)
Calculation of total blood pressure in (2) is simplified version of the model presented in [1]. That model include the relationship between the changes of the total pressure and changes in the volume of the artery. Therefore, for modeling pressure signal over time using (2) please set PRESSURE_VOLUME_CHANGES=0. For modeling pressure signal using formulas (1) and (6) from [1] please set PRESSURE_VOLUME_CHANGES=1.
[P, Pa]=model_Babbs(a,b,SBP, DBP, fs, 1);
Oscillometric algorithms
Traditional algorithm for estimating blood pressure based on oscillometric method includes several steps such as:
- Extracting oscillometric waveform (OMW).
- Extracting features from the pulses – these features over time are called oscillometric pulse indices (OPI).
- Interpolating OPIs to obtain the envelope and smoothing the envelope. The envelope of an oscillating signal is defined as a smooth curve outlining its extremes.
- Estimating MAP, SBP and DBP using the oscillometric algorithm.
1. The first part of the oscillometric algorithms is extracting the OMW. The output is the cuff pressure without thearterial based oscillations and oscillometric waveform.
[cp,omw] = extract_omw(P, fs);
plot(t,P) % and another way is manual integration
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)"), legend('Total pressure', 'Extracted cuff pressure')
annonation_save('a)',"Fig5.7a.jpg", SAVE_FLAG);
2. and 3. Next steps include estimating the envelope.
[omwe, peak_ind] = envelope_detection(cp, omw, fs);
plot(t(peak_ind), omwe, '^-')
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Oscillometric waveform amplitude (mmHg)")
legend('Oscillometric waveform', 'Oscillometric envelope')
title('Oscilometric waveform and envelope')
annonation_save('b)',"Fig5.7b.jpg", SAVE_FLAG);
plot(t,P) % and another way is manual integration
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)"), title('Total pressure')
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)")
title('Oscillometric waveform')
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)")
title('Oscillometric envelope')
annonation_save('b)',"Fig5.2b.jpg", SAVE_FLAG);
exportgraphics(gcf,"Fig5.2b.jpg", 'Resolution',600)
Exercise: Uncoment the line in the envelope detection algorithm that says "Form the envelope based only on maximums" and comment the line after "Form envelope based on peak to peak". Explore the effect of finding the envelope based only on the maximum of the pulse vs peak-to-peak.
4. For the last step, we will consider two algorithms:
- Maxumum amplitude algorithm that is based on fixed coeffients
- Maximum slope algorithm which estimate is based on the position of the maximum slope on the diastolic and systolic part of the oscillometric envelope.
Maximum amplitude algorithm (MAA)
MAA is based on finding the time instant of the maximum of the envelope and then mapping the time instant to the cuff deflation waveform and reading the MAP. This is shown in the figure below. The time instance of SBP is obtained by finding a position on the oscilometric envelope where the maximum of the oscillometric envelope multiplied with the pre-defined coefficient intercepts the oscillometric envelope. Then, this maximum is mapped to the cuff pressure curve. Similar procedure is performed for finding diastolic presure.
[BP] = bp_max_amplitude(cp, coef, fs, omwe, peak_ind);
fprintf('Maximum amplitude algorithm')
Maximum amplitude algorithm
fprintf('SBP=%f, SBP Error=%f', BP(1), BP(1)-SBP)
SBP=118.070126, SBP Error=-1.929874
fprintf('DBP=%f, DBP Error=%f', BP(2), BP(2)-DBP)
DBP=72.303709, DBP Error=-7.696291
fprintf('MAP=%f, MAP Error=%f', BP(3), BP(3)-mean(Pa))
MAP=99.605427, MAP Error=-0.394573
tspan = 1/fs:1/fs:length(cp)/fs;
a1=plot(tspan(peak_ind),omwe*20, 'b'); % we are just rescaling the envelope so that it is easier to visualize
a2=plot(tspan(peak_ind),cp(peak_ind), 'r');
a3=plot([0 tspan(peak_ind(ind))],[BP(3) BP(3)], 'g','LineStyle',":");
plot([tspan(peak_ind(ind)) tspan(peak_ind(ind))],[omwe(ind)*20 BP(3)], 'g','LineStyle',":")
text(0,BP(3)+2,sprintf('$$\\widehat{MAP}=%.1f mmHg$$',BP(3) ), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
text(tspan(peak_ind(ind)), omwe(ind)*20+3, sprintf('$$\\hat{t}_{MAP}$$'), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
a4=plot([0 tspan(peak_ind(i1(1)))],[BP(1) BP(1)], 'm','LineStyle',":");
plot([tspan(peak_ind(i1(1))) tspan(peak_ind(i1(1)))],[omwe(i1(1))*20 BP(1)], 'm','LineStyle',":")
text(tspan(peak_ind(i1(1))), omwe(i1(1))*20-3, sprintf('$$\\hat{t}_{SBP}$$'), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
text(0,BP(1)+2,sprintf('$$\\widehat{SBP}=%.1f mmHg$$',BP(1) ), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
a5=plot([0 tspan(peak_ind(i2(end)))],[BP(2) BP(2)], 'k','LineStyle',":");
plot([tspan(peak_ind(i2(end))) tspan(peak_ind(i2(end)))],[omwe(i2(end))*20 BP(2)], 'k','LineStyle',":")
text(tspan(peak_ind(i2(end)))+0.5, omwe(i2(end))*20, sprintf('$$\\hat{t}_{DBP}$$'), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
text(0,BP(2)+2,sprintf('$$\\widehat{DBP}=%.1f mmHg$$',BP(2) ), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
ylabel('Pressure (mmHg)')
legend('Oscilometric envelope', 'Cuff pressure')
title('Maximum amplitude algorithm')
annonation_save('b)',"Fig5.9b.jpg", SAVE_FLAG);
Maximum Slope algorithm (MSE)
Unlike the previous algorithm, the maximum slope algorithm considers the slope of the envelope rather than the heights. Here, the systolic point is found as the point on the envelope where the slope of the envelope is at its maximum and the diastolic point is where the slope of the envelope is at its minimum. These two points can be found by taking the derivative of the signal. Since the derivative represents the slope of the line tangent to each point on the signal, the point where slope is maximum also correspond to the maximum of the derivative signal and the point where slope is minimum also corresponds to the minimum of the derivative signal.
[BP, index] = bp_max_slope(cp, fs, omwe, peak_ind);
fprintf('Maximum slope algorithm')
fprintf('SBP=%f, SBP Error=%f', BP(1), BP(1)-SBP)
SBP=118.070126, SBP Error=-1.929874
fprintf('DBP=%f, DBP Error=%f', BP(2), BP(2)-DBP)
DBP=67.718446, DBP Error=-12.281554
fprintf('MAP=%f, MAP Error=%f', BP(3), BP(3)-mean(Pa))
MAP=99.605427, MAP Error=-0.394573
tspan = 1/fs:1/fs:length(cp)/fs;
a1=plot(tspan(peak_ind),omwe*10, 'b'); % we are just rescaling the envelope so that it is easier to visualize
a2=plot(tspan(peak_ind),cp(peak_ind), 'r');
a3=plot([0 tspan(peak_ind(index(3)))],[BP(3) BP(3)], 'c');
plot([tspan(peak_ind(index(3))) tspan(peak_ind(index(3)))],[omwe(index(3))*10 BP(3)], 'c')
text(tspan(peak_ind(index(3))), BP(3), "MAP")
a4=plot([0 tspan(peak_ind(index(1)))],[BP(1) BP(1)], 'm');
plot([tspan(peak_ind(index(1))) tspan(peak_ind(index(1)))],[omwe(index(1))*10 BP(1)], 'm')
text(tspan(peak_ind(index(1))), BP(1), "SBP")
text(tspan(peak_ind(index(1))), omwe(index(1))*10, "Max slope SBP index")
a5=plot([0 tspan(peak_ind(index(2)))],[BP(2) BP(2)], 'k');
plot([tspan(peak_ind(index(2))) tspan(peak_ind(index(2)))],[omwe(index(2))*10 BP(2)], 'k')
text(tspan(peak_ind(index(2))), BP(2), "DBP")
text(tspan(peak_ind(index(2))), omwe(index(2))*10, "Max slope DBP index")
ylabel('Pressure (mmHg)')
legend('Oscilometric envelope', 'Cuff pressure')
title('Maximum slope algorithm')
Exercise: Evaluate how performance of blood pressure estimation algorithms depend on the arterial stifness. Modify the compliance parameters by changing j. What is the problem with fixed coefficients of the maximum amplitude algorithms? Motion artifacts
Impulse artifact can be simulated by the sinc function in discrete domain as
. The central lobe of the sinc function can be used as an impulse artifact and was added to the cuff pressure signal. The duration of the artifact is determined by η. We selected η =1.5 resulting in about 3 s long movement artifacts. The amplitude of the movement artifact is m. This type of artifact could be due to motion of an elbow, for example, during the oscillometric measurement. Similar motion artifact model can be applied to other biomedical signals such as the PPG with some modifications in the amplitude and duration. % Generate motion artifacts
Now, let us add the motion signal to the total pressure signal a the random point in time in the interval between 5s and 45s.
Let us plot the pressure signal together with added motion artifact.
plot(t,P) % and another way is manual integration
title('Total pressure with motion artifacts')
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)")
annonation_save('a)',"Fig5.13a.jpg", SAVE_FLAG);
Let us run the algorithms and estimate blood pressure
[cp,omw] = extract_omw(P, fs);
[omwe, peak_ind] = envelope_detection(cp, omw, fs);
Maximum amplitude algorithm
[BP] = bp_max_amplitude(cp, coef, fs, omwe, peak_ind);
fprintf('Maximum amplitude algorithm')
Maximum amplitude algorithm
fprintf('SBP=%f, SBP Error=%f', BP(1), BP(1)-SBP)
SBP=120.597900, SBP Error=0.597900
fprintf('DBP=%f, DBP Error=%f', BP(2), BP(2)-DBP)
DBP=67.840337, DBP Error=-12.159663
fprintf('MAP=%f, MAP Error=%f', BP(3), BP(3)-mean(Pa))
MAP=102.119047, MAP Error=2.119047
Maximum slope algorithm
[BP, index] = bp_max_slope(cp, fs, omwe, peak_ind);
fprintf('Maximum slope algorithm')
fprintf('SBP=%f, SBP Error=%f', BP(1), BP(1)-SBP)
SBP=122.998742, SBP Error=2.998742
fprintf('DBP=%f, DBP Error=%f', BP(2), BP(2)-DBP)
DBP=65.465749, DBP Error=-14.534251
fprintf('MAP=%f, MAP Error=%f', BP(3), BP(3)-mean(Pa))
MAP=102.119047, MAP Error=2.119047
Exercise: Evaluate how motion artifacts affect blood pressure. Plot the oscilometric envelope with motion artifacts. Evaluate if the postion of motion artifacts in time affect the estimates of SBP and DBP. What happens if MAP gets estimated incorrectly - how does that affect estimates of SBP and DBP?
Evaluating performace while varying blood pressure and compliance parameters
We will run blood pressure algorithm for 100 different values of SBP, DBP and parameters a and b. We know that compliance and blood pressure have negative correlation. We just assume some values for the negative correlation coefficient - these values can be changed after analyzing real data.
sigma=[10^2 0.2*10*5 -0.6*10*0.02 -0.6*10*0.004; 0.2*10*5 5^2 -0.3*5*0.02 -0.3*5*0.004; -0.6*10*0.02 -0.3*5*0.02 0.02^2 0.75*0.02*0.004; -0.6*10*0.004 -0.3*5*0.004 0.75*0.02*0.004 0.004^2];
rng(125) % For reproducibility
R = mvnrnd(mu,sigma,100);
[P, Pa]=model_Babbs(R(i,3),R(i,4),R(i,1),R(i,2), fs, 0);
start=floor(1000+floor(7500*rand(1))); % add motion artifact at the random place on the pressure signal
[cp,omw] = extract_omw(P, fs);
[omwe, peak_ind] = envelope_detection(cp, omw, fs);
% MAA algorithm with fixed coefficients
[BP] = bp_max_amplitude(cp, coef, fs, omwe, peak_ind);
[BP, index] = bp_max_slope(cp, fs, omwe, peak_ind);
% Compute errors for all 3 algorithms
fprintf("MAA algorithm: MAE SBP=%f, std SBP=%f, MAE DBP=%f, std DBP=%f", MAE_SBP, STD_SBP, MAE_DBP, STD_DBP)
fprintf("MSA algorithm: MAE SBP=%f, std SBP=%f, MAE DBP=%f, std DBP=%f", MAE_SBP, STD_SBP, MAE_DBP, STD_DBP)
Exercise: In case no motion artifacts are simulated and no noise is added to the pressure curve, the results of MAA and MSA are satisfactory. Analyze the results in following cases:
- Include noise in the signal by writing P=P+0.4*randn(1,length(P)); Modify standard deviation and analyze the effects of the noise to the accuracy of the algorithms.
- Include motion artifacts (set motion =1) for 3 cases a) when motion artifacts can appear randomly anywhere like in the code above, b) when motion artifacts occur only in systolic region, c) when motion artifacts appear around MAP.
- Modify the correlation coefficients for generated blood pressure and complieance values. Observe the results.
Algorithm for extracting the oscillometric waveform from the cuff pressure
function [cp,omw] = extract_omw(P, fs)
w = warning ('off','all');
w = warning ('on','all');
omw = lowpass(omw1, cutoff, fs);
Two blood pressure estimation algorithms are considered
- Extracting features from the pulses – these features over time are called oscillometric pulse indices (OPI).
- Interpolating OPIs to obtain the envelope and smoothing the envelope. The envelope of an oscillating signal is defined as a smooth curve outlining its extremes.
function [omwe, peak_ind] = envelope_detection(cp, omw, fs)
clear trough_ind start_ind;
[peak_amp, peak_ind,~,~] = findpeaks(omw, 'MinPeakDistance', fs/(1.4), 'MinPeakHeight',0.2);
peak_distance = diff(peak_ind(1:end));
for i =1:length(start_ind)
[~, ind] = min(omw(start_ind(i):end_ind(i)));
trough_ind(i,:) = ind + start_ind(i) - 1;
%fix lengths and outliers
% Form the envelope based only on maximums
% Form envelope based on peak to peak
%omwe = omw(peak_ind)-omw(trough_ind);
xlabel("Time (s)"), ylabel("Pressure (mmHg)")
title('Oscillometric envelope')
legend('Oscillometric envelope with artifacts', 'Smoothed oscillometric envelope')
annonation_save('b)',"Fig5.13b.jpg", 1);
Maximum amplitude algorithm
function [BP] = bp_max_amplitude(cp, coef, fs, omwe, peak_ind)
Maximum slope algorithm
function [BP, index] = bp_max_slope(cp, fs, omwe, peak_ind)
omwe_diff=[0; diff(omwe_sm)];
[m1, i1]=max(omwe_diff(1:ind));
[m2, i2]=min(omwe_diff(ind:end));
function [P, Pa]=model_Babbs(a,b,SBP, DBP, fs, plotting)
% This implementation follows closely the paper:
% Oscillometric measurement of systolic and diastolic blood pressures validated in a physiologic mathematical model
% by Charles F BabbsEmail author
% published in BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2012, 11:56
% https://biomedical-engineering-online.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-925X-11-56
%Blood pressure to be simulated - please change systolic in the rangge 110
%to 140 and dia between 60 and 90
r=0.12; % radius of the artery in cm
L=10; % length of the artery covered by the cuff in cm
V0=200; % Volume of the cuff at the beginning in ml
delta_r=0.05; % the brachial artery strain (?r/r) during a normal pulse is 4 percent for a blood pressure of 130/70 mmHg
%Computing the parameters
PP= SBP-DBP; % pulse pressure
Pmid=0.5*(SBP+DBP); % mid pressure
P0=SBP+30; % start of cuff deflation
%a = 0.076; %log(0.1)/(-20); % stiffness coefficient change to 0.075 or 0.11 for very stiff arteries
rate=2.5; %rate of the cuff defflation
delta_Va=2*3.14*(r)*(delta_r*r)*L; %2*pi*r*delta_r*L change in volume
Cn= delta_Va/PP; % The normal pressure compliance for the artery segment is the volume change divided by pulse pressure
Va0=3.14*(r)^2*L; %The resting artery volume
%b=-log(Cn/(a*Va0))/Pmid; % another stiffness coefficient - equation (3) from the paper
% Model of the arterial pulse and its derivative
% Volume vs transmural pressure - equation (4) from the paper
legend('Volume(ml) vs Transmural pressure')
Pt(i)=Pa(i)-P0+rate*t(i); % transmural pressure
figure; plot(P0-rate*t,dVa_dt) %plot(t,dVa_dt,'o-')
% Obtaining cuff pressure with the arterial pulse - equation (1a)
tspan = 0:delta_T:t(end);
hold on; plot(t,P) % and another way is manual integration
legend('Cuff pressure vs time')