The Class Imbalance Problem
A Bibliography
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- An, A., Cercone, N. and Huang, X. (2001), A Case Study for Learning
from Imbalanced Data Sets in Advances in Artificial Intelligence:
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational
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- Chawla, N., Japkowicz, N. and Kolcz, A. (editors), SIGKDD Explorations, Special Issue on Class Imbalances , SIGKDD Explorations 6(1), June 2004.
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- Hongyu Guo and Herna L. Viktor, Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets with
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- Hongyu Guo and Herna L. Viktor, Learning from Skewed Class
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Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2000) , pp. 111-117.
- Japkowicz, N., (2001), Concept-Learning in the Presence of
Between-Class and Within-Class Imbalances , in Advances in Artificial
Intelligence: Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Canadian Society for
Computational Studies of Intelligence, pp. 67-77.
- Japkowicz, N. and Stephen, S., The Class Imbalance Problem: A Systematic Study , Intelligent Data Analysis Journal, Volume 6, Number 5,
November 2002.
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SIGKDD Explorations 6(1), June 2004.
- Kolcz, A. and Alspector, J., Asymmetric Missing-data Problems:
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