UO Research and Conference Travel Grants |
FRA : https://genie.uottawa.ca/bureau-des-etudes-superieures ENG : https://engineering.uottawa.ca/graduate-studies-office All enquiries and applications for Travel Grants (Conference and\or Research) will be dealt within the Faculty. Graduate students will continue to deal with each of their corresponding academic unit. However, all completed request for travel grants will be submitted to the attention of the Engineering Graduate Office (Engineering.grad@uottawa.ca) while ensuring that you use an e-mail message title as instructed on the webpage above. Overview of the application\evaluation process of all travel grant requests: Prior to the Research\Conference travel: 1- Students must submit a request to their Research Supervisor for approval (form available online) 2- If approved, the request then is submitted to the Engineering Graduate Office (Engineering.grad@uottawa.ca) making sure students use the appropriate email title as instructed. 3- Acceptance or refusal of the request will be sent via email to the Student (cc: Supervisor, GSAED and Academic Unit) 4- Students travelling with a part of expenditures covered by their supervisor must obtain a pre-approval from their academic unit before departure Upon completion of the Conference\Research travel: 5- Students will submit a request for reimbursement to his academic unit (Department/EECS) for processing 6- A reimbursement will be processed jointly by your academic unit and the Faculty of Engineering Dean’s Office |