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This web template is meant to be a starting point for SITE course web sites, and is after all a sample template. All the information presented within the template is meant to be an entry point for the course web page, thus the graduate student is welcome to add/remove any components that does not suit their needs or requirements. Fill-ins have been provided in order to allow the student to easily customize the web site to any course. A special thanks goes out to Michel Racine for making this template publicly available.
Demonstration, download and documentation
Team members
  • Rami Abielmona

Interesting Quote

"Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation."
--Norman Augustine
Rami S. Abielmona

School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE), University of Ottawa
800 King Edward Ave., P.O. Box 450, Stn A,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5
Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext. 2202, Fax: (613) 562-5175
Office/Lab: SITE Building, Room 3010
Email: rabielmo@site.uottawa.ca
Contactez: L'École d'ingénierie et de technologie de l'information /
Contact: School of Information Technology and Engineering
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