Use case sequencing statements are: inclusion statement,
enabling directives and continue statement.
- A use case inclusion statement has the following syntax
- [condition_statement]
``include'' [``use'' ``case'']
A use case inclusion statement refers to an included use
case. The meaning of a use case inclusion is that the steps of the
included use case replace the inclusion statement in the base use
case. The remaining steps of the base use case are normally executed
after the included use case primary scenario. Continue
statements may be used to specify continuation after specific
secondary scenarios in addition to the primary scenario.
- A use case enabling directive has the following syntax
- [condition_statement]
``enable'' [``in'' ``parallel'']
[``use'' ``case'']
[use_case_names] or
- [condition_statement]
``resume'' [``in'' ``parallel'']
[``use'' ``case'']
use_case_names is a list of use case names that are
enabled for execution
following the directive.
- If use_case_names is not specified, the statement
applies to the use case itself and results in its repetition.
- If ``in'' ``parallel'' is specified, the
use cases in the list referred by use_case_names are set to
execute in parallel. Otherwise, the next operation forces a choice among
these use cases.
For each use case referred to in an enabling directive, the enabled
use case must include the enabling use case in its
follow list.
- A continue statement has the following syntax
- [condition_statement]
``continue'' [``use'' ``case'']
Continue statements are meaningful only within included use cases. A
continue statement specifies that the including use case execution
continue from a scenario even if it is a secondary scenario.
A continue statements must be last in a scenario as any
subsequent statement would be unreachable.