Next naked eye star: Beta Cancri Up: naked eye star, yellow supergiant Previous naked eye star: Beta Arae
Beta Camelopardalis comparison table |
Subject |
has right ascension |
has spectral type |
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is part of |
has surface temperature |
is an instance of |
has V magnitude |
has color |
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has B-V magnitude |
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is a kind of |
has apparent magnitude |
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has definition |
has luminosity class |
naked eye star | | | | Milky Way | greater than 1000 Kelvin | | | | for many centuries | | asterism | naked eye object | brighter than 5 | | A star visible without visual aids | |
yellow supergiant | | | | | 5000 to 6000 K | | | yellowish | | | | G star | | | A supergiant star with a spectral type of G. | I |
Beta Camelopardalis | 05 03 25.1 | G0Ib | +60 26 32 | Milky Way | greater than 1000 Kelvin | naked eye star | 4.03 | yellowish | for many centuries | 0.92 | asterism | | brighter than 5 | HR 1603 | | I |
Next naked eye star: Beta Cancri Up: naked eye star, yellow supergiant Previous naked eye star: Beta Arae