Subject |
has reference |
has location |
has owner |
has latitude |
has mirror maker |
is a kind of |
has temperature |
has acronym |
has mirror type |
has altitude |
is an instance of |
has focal ratio |
has aperture |
has mount |
has definition |
has mounting manufacturer |
has longitude |
has mirror diameter |
has creation date |
Horseshoe equatorial telescope | | | | in degrees, minutes, seconds (N or S) | | equatorial telescope | ambient | | | height above sea level in meters | | | | Horseshoe equatorial | | the person, company or institution that constructed the mounting | in degrees, minutes, seconds (E or W) | | |
optical telescope | astroweb | | | | | electromagnetic telescope | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
reflector | | | | | the person, company or institution that created the mirror | electromagnetic telescope | | | material and other engineering details | | | | or primary mirror diameter | | A device for gathering and amplifying light or other energy by means of a mirror. | | | equal to aperture (except for Schmidt which has aperture smaller than mirror diameter) | |
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope | astroweb | Mauna Kea, Hawaii, US | Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp. | 19° 49' N | Dominion Astrophys. Obs. | | ambient | CFHT | Cer-Vit | 4200 m | Horseshoe equatorial telescope | f/3.8, 8, 20, 35 | 3.58 m | Horseshoe equatorial | | SNACRP | 155° 28' W | equal to aperture (except for Schmidt which has aperture smaller than mirror diameter) | 1979 |