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physical object > artifact > device > instrument > artificial satellite > geosynchronous satellite > GMS satellite > GMS-4
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GMS-4has dimension 2.146 m diameter cylinder, height 0.3451 m2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
has constant longitude 140 deg east2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
has attitude control spin stabilized2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
has launch vehicle H-I rockethas URL:, 2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
has launch location Tanegashima Space Center, Kagoshima, Japan2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
has launch date 6 Sept 19892001-09-27 09:27:31.0
has mass 325 kg2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
is an instance of GMS satellite2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
GMS satellitehas specificationhas URL:, 2001-09-27 09:27:31.0
geosynchronous satelliteis a part of Earth2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
has orbital inclination approximately zero degreeshas URL:, has URL:, has URL:, 2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
has orbital period 24 hours (one day)2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
orbits Earth2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
has location above the same position on the Earth2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
NASDA satellitehas creator NASDA2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
artificial satellitehas ground communication station2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
can have orbit decay date2001-09-27 09:27:29.0
instrumenthas operator2001-09-27 09:27:28.0
satellitehas approximately elliptical orbit2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
physical objecthas angular momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has velocity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has temperature2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has volume2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has extent2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has material2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
artifacthas creation date2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has purpose2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has owner2001-09-27 09:27:27.0

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