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Pleiades comparison table
Subject has purpose is part of is a kind of has catalog has number of star is an instance of has synonym has definition has distance has age has composition has Messier number
Messier objectoriginally to catalog all objects which could be confused with a cometcelestial spherecelestial bodyMessier catalog   an object assigned a number by Charles Messierfrom Earth   
naked eye object  physical object    a physical object visible to the unnaided human eye    
open cluster diskstar clusteropen cluster catalog   A comparatively loose grouping (mass range 102-103 M)sun of Population I stars, strongly concentrated in the spiral arms or the disk of the Galaxy (in fact, open clusters give a good indication of where the spiral arms are). Unlike associations, open clusters are dynamically stable. Depending on their age, stars in open clusters "peel off" from the main sequence at different points (the higher the turnoff point, the younger the cluster). (Sometimes called Galactic cluster; NGC 188 is the oldest known open cluster.) varies widely  
Pleiadesoriginally to catalog all objects which could be confused with a cometdisk open cluster catalogseveral hundredMessier objectNGC 1432 125 pcvery youngB star, late star45

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