Small Magellanic Cloud | is a part of Tucana | |
is a part of Local Group | |
has declination -72d49m43s | |
has right ascension 00h52m44.8s | |
has NED data | |
has magnitude 2.7 | |
has distance from galaxy center 60 kpc | |
has diameter 320 × 185 arcminutes | |
has acronym SMC | |
orbits Milky Way | |
has mass 1 billion solar masses | |
has definition The second largest, and the second nearest, of the galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. It lies in the southern sky, 190000 light-years away. | |
is an instance of Magellanic Cloud | |
galaxy | has number of stars 106 to 1012 | |
has catalog galaxy catalog | |
physical object | has location or center of gravity | |
has angular momentum | |
has velocity | |
has momentum | |
has temperature | |
has volume | |
has extent | |
has material | |
celestial body | has spectra | |