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Next altazimuth telescopeWilliam Herschel Telescope    Upaltazimuth telescope, array telescope, optical telescope, Ritchey-Chrétien    Previous altazimuth telescopeTelescopio Nazionale Galileo   

Very Large Telescope comparison table
Subject has reference has latitude is an instance of has focal ratio has diagram has location has altitude has mounting manufacturer has owner has mirror maker has acronym has temperature has primary mirror shape has mirror diameter has mirror type has aperture has optical design is a kind of has comment has creation date has mount has longitude has image has secondary mirror shape has definition
altazimuth telescope in degrees, minutes, seconds (N or S)    height above sea level in metersthe person, company or institution that constructed the mounting   ambient     Earth based telescope  altazimuthin degrees, minutes, seconds (E or W)  A form of mounting similar to that of a radar which allows the telescope tube to be moved horizontally (by rotation in azimuth or compass direction) and vertically (by rotation in altitude or elevation). To follow a star the telescope must be adjusted simultaneously in both axes. (also called alt-az)
array telescope                 electromagnetic telescope      a telescope composed of an array of separete individual elements acting in concert
optical telescopeastroweb                electromagnetic telescope       
Ritchey-Chrétien         the person, company or institution that created the mirror  concave hyperboloidequal to aperture (except for Schmidt which has aperture smaller than mirror diameter)material and other engineering detailsor primary mirror diameterRitchey-Chrétienreflector     convex hyperboloidA system of two mirrors, aspherized to give an image at the secondary (Cassegrain) focus free from spherical aberration and coma.
Very Large Telescopeastroweb24° 51' Sarray telescopef/13.5, 15 (each mirror)Cerro Paranal, Chile2640 mthe person, company or institution that constructed the mountingEuropean Southern ObservatoryREOSCVLTambientconcave hyperboloidequal to aperture (except for Schmidt which has aperture smaller than mirror diameter)Schott Zerodur, active optics16 m equivalent  Four separate telescopes and domes, first unit became operational in 19982001altazimuth70° 27' Wconvex hyperboloid 

Next altazimuth telescopeWilliam Herschel Telescope    Upaltazimuth telescope, array telescope, optical telescope, Ritchey-Chrétien    Previous altazimuth telescopeTelescopio Nazionale Galileo