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Kinds of astronomical constant :
- cosmological constant (9 facts) - A term added by Einstein to the gravitational field equations of his theory of general relativity. Such a term would produce a repulsive antigravity force at very large distances and would correspond to energy locked up in the curvature of space-time itself. There is, at present, no evidence for the existence of a cosmological constant (although one may have existed in the past)., A possible third parameter in cosmology, in addition to the Hubble constant and omega (Ω). Most cosmologists believe the cosmological constant is zero, but if it is not, it would make the universe older than astronomers calculate from the Hubble constant and Ω. The size of the cosmological constant is designated by the Greek letter lambda (λ)., A term sometimes employed in cosmology to express a force of "cosmic repulsion", such as the energy released by the false vacuum thought to power exponential expansion of the universe in the inflationary universe models. Whether any such thing as cosmic repulsion exists or ever played a role in cosmic history remains an open question., A contribution to gravity that results from the effective mass density, or energy density, in the vacuum. A positive cosmological constant acts as if it were negative gravity - it makes two masses repel each other instead of attract each other. Einstein's first cosmological model contained a cosmological constant, which appeared as an additional term in the equations of general relativity. (See false vacuum; vacuum.), Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for space-time curvature even in an empty universe. The amount of this curvature is given by the cosmological constant. Current indications are that this constant must be zero, but the reason for its vanishing remains a mystery., A term introduced by Einstein into his field equations of gravitation to permit a static model of the universe. It corresponded, as introduced originally, to a cosmic repulsion force that could withstand the attractive tendency of gravity., A constant introduced into Einstein's field equations of general relativity in order to provide a supplement to gravity. If positive (repulsive), it counteracts gravity, while if negative (attractive), it augments gravity. It can be interpreted physically as an energy density associated with space itself., A parameter that determines the strength of the cosmological term in the equations of general relativity. This term was added by Einstein because he thought the universe was static, and the term provided a repulsive gravitational force that was needed to prevent the universe from collapsing under the force of ordinary gravity. The false vacuum of inflationary models creates a similar repulsive gravitational force, except that it prevails for only a brief period in the early universe. The cosmological constant is often assumed to be zero, but it might make a significant contribution to the evolution equations of our universe.
- deceleration parameter (6 facts) (q0) - Quantity designating the rate at which the expansion of the universe is slowing down, owing to the braking effect of the galaxies' gravitational tug on one another. It is a function of the cosmic matter density., A parameter that measures the rate of slowing down of the expansion of the universe. Gravity causes the slowing down. The deceleration parameter equals omega (another cosmological parameter) when the universe is dominated by radiation, approximately the first 100000 years after the big bang, and 1/2 omega when the universe is dominated by matter. Since the deceleration parameter is equivalent to omega (assuming a cosmological constant of zero, as often done), it determines the ultimate fate and spatial geometry of the universe. The deceleration parameter is often denoted by the symbol q0. (See omega.), A dimensionless quantity describing the rate at which the expansion of the Universe is slowing down because of self-gravitation: it gives a measure of the matter density. In Friedmann's equation (which describes many cosmological models) q0 = - 1 indicates a steady-state universe, q0 < +1/2 indicates an open universe, q0 = +1/2 indicates a flat Euclidean universe, and q0 > 1/2 indicates a universe that is decelerating and will eventually contract. Sandage and Tammann (1975) obtain q0 = 0.10 for H0 = 55 km s-1 Mpc-1., A parameter (that denotes the rate of change with time of the Hubble constant.
- Hubble constant (11 facts) (H0) - Hubble's constant in units of 100 km s-1 Mpc-1., The present expansion rate of the universe, in units of kilometers per second per megaparsec. The larger the Hubble constant, the younger the universe., According to Hubble's law, discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1929, distant galaxies are receding from us, on average, with a speed equal to the product of the Hubble constant and the distance to the galaxy. Hubble's "constant" is independent of distance, but actually decreases slowly in time as the expansion is slowed by the gravitational pull of each galaxy on all the others. The present value is somewhere between 15 and 30 kilometers per second per million light-years., The constant of proportionality in the Hubble law. Its value must vary with time, so it is often referred to as the Hubble parameter. The Hubble constant is generally used to mean the value of the Hubble parameter at the current epoch, and is somewhere between 50 and 100 km/s/Mpc with possibly a value close to 75 km/s/Mpc., The rate at which the universe expands, equal to approximately fifty kilometers of velocity per megaparsec of distance., The rate of expansion of the universe. The Hubble constant is equal to the recessional speed of a distant galaxy, divided by its distance from us. Assuming a homogeneous and isotropic universe, the recessional speed of a distant galaxy is proportional to its distance; thus the Hubble constant as determined by any receding galaxy should be the same, yielding a universal rate of expansion of the universe. According to estimates, the current value of the Hubble constant is approximately 100 km/s/Mpc, meaning that the distance between any two distant galaxies will double in about 10 billion years at the current rate of expansion.
- Hubble radius (5 facts) (c/H) - The radius of the observable universe ().
- Hubble time (6 facts) (H0-1) - The Hubble time is one divided by the Hubble constant, which gives a number from 10 to 20 billion years. For a flat universe with no cosmological constant, the age of the universe is two-thirds of the Hubble time., The inverse of the Hubble constant and a crude measure of the universe's age. For a Hubble constant of 50, one can calculate that the Hubble time is 19.6 billion years; for a Hubble constant of 80, the Hubble time is 12.2 billion years. If there is no cosmological constant, the universe is younger than the Hubble time. In particular, if the mass density of the universe (designated Ω) is 0.1, the universe's age is 90 percent of the Hubble time; if Ω is 1.0, the universe's age is 67 percent of the Hubble time.
- omega (4 facts) - Heavy short-lived baryon., The ratio of the average density of mass in the universe to the critical mass density, the latter being the density of mass needed to eventually halt the outward expansion of the universe. In an open universe, omega is always less than 1; in a closed universe, it is always greater than 1; in a flat universe it is always exactly equal to 1. Unless omega is exactly equal to 1, it changes in time, constantly decreasing in an open universe and constantly increasing in a closed universe. Omega has been measured to be about 0.1, although such measurements are difficult and uncertain. (See critical mass density; closed universe; flat universe; open universe.)