Subject |
has historical origin |
has historical image |
has synonym |
has boundary |
has acronym |
has genitive |
Apus | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Bird of Paradise |  | Aps | Apodis |
Chamaeleon | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Chameleon | defined in equatorial coordinates | Cha | Chamaeleontis |
Dorado | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance |  | mahi-mahi (a Hawaiian fish) | defined in equatorial coordinates | Dor | Doradus |
Grus | the crane or Phoenicopterus (Flamingo), in the past used to be part of Piscis Austrinus. |  | Crane |  | Gru | Gruis |
Hydrus | Julius Schiller combined Hydrus and Tucana to form the Biblical figure Archangel Raphael |  | Sea Serpent | defined in equatorial coordinates | Hyi | Hydri |
Indus | Julius Schiller combined Indus and Pavo to form the Biblical figure Job |  | American Indian | defined in equatorial coordinates | Ind | Indi |
Pavo | the mythological peacock sacred to Hera |  | Peacock | defined in equatorial coordinates | Pav | Pavonis |
Phoenix | a bird of incredible beauty who would live for 500 years and be reborn after being consumed fire |  | Phoenix (Bird) |  | Phe | Phoenicis |
Triangulum Australe | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Southern Triangle |  | TrA | Trianguli Australis |
Tucana | Kepler and Riccioli, called it Anser Americanus (the American Goose), |  | Toucan |  | Tuc | Tucanae |
Volans | sailors in the south seas said they had seen schools of flying fish |  | Piscis Volans |  | Vol | Volantis |