Subject |
has historical origin |
has historical image |
has synonym |
has boundary |
has acronym |
has genitive |
Antlia | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Air Pump |  | Ant | Antliae |
Caelum | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Chisel | defined in equatorial coordinates | Cae | Caeli |
Circinus | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Compass | defined in equatorial coordinates | Cir | Circini |
Fornax | the laboratory Furnace or chemical furnace in honor of Antoine Lavoisier | | Furnace |  | For | Fornacis |
Horologium | the clock in honor of Christian Huygens, the inventor of the pendulum clock in 1656-57 |  | Horologium Oscillitorium | defined in equatorial coordinates | Hor | Horologii |
Mensa | named after the table mountain near de Lacaille's observatory in Cape Town |  | Mons Mensa | defined in equatorial coordinates | Men | Mensae |
Microscopium | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Microscope | defined in equatorial coordinates | Mic | Microscopii |
Musca | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Musca Australis | defined in equatorial coordinates | Mus | Muscae |
Norma | as 'Norma et Regula' (appeared as the Level and the Square to de Lacaille) | | Level (Square) |  | Nor | Normae |
Octans | the instrument used to measure the position of Polaris | | Octant | defined in equatorial coordinates | Oct | Octantis |
Pictor | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance |  | Easel | defined in equatorial coordinates | Pic | Pictoris |
Pyxis | part of the large constellation Argo Navis
 | | Ship's Compass | defined in equatorial coordinates | Pyx | Pyxidis |
Reticulum | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance |  | Reticle (crosshairs in telescope eyepiece) | defined in equatorial coordinates | Ret | Reticuli |
Sculptor | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Sculptor | defined in equatorial coordinates | Scl | Sculptoris |
Telescopium | asterism with pictorial or mythical significance | | Telescope | defined in equatorial coordinates | Tel | Telescopii |