de Sitter model | is a kind of cosmology theory |  |
has definition A model of the universe that contains no matter but only a positive cosmological constant. It expands exponentially forever. |  |
has definition A particular solution to Einstein's cosmological equations, found by Wilhelm de Sitter in 1917, in which space expands at a rapid, exponential rate. This solution was very different from the solutions of Friedmann and of Lemaitre, in which the universe expands at a much slower rate (a rate with the distance between any two points increasing as something between the square root of time and linearly with time). The Friedmann and Lemaitre type solutions became incorporated in the standard big bang model. Recent modifications of the big bang model, such as the inflationary universe model, propose that the universe went through a period of exponential growth, or a de Sitter phase, early in its evolution. |  |
has definition A geometrical model (1917) of an empty universe, based on Einstein's field equations. |  |
cosmology theory | has domain cosmology |  |
theory | has validity correct or incorrect with caveats |  |
has author or reasearch group |  |
has date or a range of dates for which the theory was active |  |