equinox | has period 1 year |  |
has definition One of two points in the sky that represent where the Sun appears to cross the plane of the Earth's equator. From the Earth's viewpoint therefore, the Sun reaches one point at a quarter, the other at three quarters of the way through the sidereal year: the vernal (spring) equinox is thus on or around 21 March, the autumnal on or around 22 September. The actual points in the sky change slightly every year through a process called precession. |  |
has definition Either of the two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic. |  |
has definition Either of the two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator; also the time at which the Sun passes through either of these intersection points; i.e., when the apparent longitude (see apparent place; celestial longitude) of the Sun is 0° or 180°. (See catalog equinox; dynamical equinox for precise usage.) |  |
is a kind of periodic celestial event |  |
event | has duration |  |
has synonym world point |  |
has time of occurrence |  |