gravitational redshift | has synonym Einstein effect |  |
has example |  |
has definition The rate at which a clock keeps time when it is in a gravitational field is slower than the rate at which it will keep time in the absence of a gravitational field. (The gravitational redshift was experimentally verified by Pound and Rebka in 1960.) The amount of redshift is directly proportional to the mass of the emitting body and inversely proportional to its radius. |  |
has definition Light is emitted at a lower frequency and longer (or redder) wavelength in a gravitational field than in the absence of a gravitational field. |  |
has definition Displacement of spectral lines toward longer wavelengths due to the effects of gravity. |  |
is a kind of wavelength shift |  |
wavelength shift | changes property frequency (and wavelength) |  |
optical process | has domain optics |  |