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mirror comparison table
Subject has definition
active opticsControlling the shape of a telescope mirror at a relatively slow rate.
adaptive opticsCompensating for atmospheric distortions in a wavefront by high-speed changes in the shape of a small, thin mirror.
deformable mirrorA very thin mirror whose shape can be changed by the force applied by many small pistons behind the mirror.
honeycomb mirrorA construction method for a large mirror in which the back is hollowed-out to leave a ribbed structure that resembles a honeycomb.
meniscus mirrorA very thin mirror with a high curvature. A method of constructing very large mirrors which assumes from the outset that the mirror is too thin to hold its shape against gravity and will require an active control system.
primary mirrorThe first mirror encountered by incident light in a telescope system.
secondary mirrorThe second reflecting surface encountered by the light in a telescope. The secondary is usually suspended in the beam and therefore obstructs part of the primary.
segmented mirrorA large mirror construction technique in which many smaller elements are built and then actively controlled to conform to the shape of the required large mirror.
tertiary mirrorThe third mirror to be encountered by the light in a telescope system. A tertiary mirror is required on alt-az telescopes to direct light to the stationary Nasmyth foci.

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