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statistical quantity comparison table
Subject has acronym has symbol has definition
kurtosis  The peakedness or flatness in the graphical representation of a statistical distribution.
median  Literally the middle value in a sequence of values arranged in increasing size order. A useful mathematical estimator of the true value from a set of values when one of these values is contaminated, i.e. known to be much larger than the average.
probable errorp.e. The error which will not be exceeded by 50 percent of the cases. The probable error is equal to 0.6745 times the standard error.
root mean squarerms The square root of the mean square value of a set of numbers (see also random walk).
standard deviation σThe root mean square deviation from the arithmetic mean.
standard errors.e. The standard deviation of a distribution of means or any other statistical measure computed from samples. It is equal to 1.4826 times the probable error.
statistical error  The uncertainty resulting from a measurement of purely random events. Such an uncertainty is defined as bracketing a range of values within which the correct value has a 66% chance of lying. For example, a value of (100 ± 10) obtained from a given measurement means that the true value has a 66% chance of lying between 90 and 110, and a 34% chance of being either above or below this range.

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