Subject |
has historical origin |
has historical image |
has synonym |
has boundary |
has acronym |
has genitive |
Aquarius | a constellation which the Sun passes through |  | Water Bearer |  | Aqr | Aquarii |
Aries | the ram sent by Hermes to carry the abused children of the King of Thessaly to safety |  | Ram | defined in equatorial coordinates | Ari | Arietis |
Cancer | the crab sent by Hera to distract Hercules from his battle with the Hydra |  | Crab |  | Cnc | Cancri |
Capricornus | a goat with a fish tail |  | Goat |  | Cap | Capricorni |
Gemini | the twins Castor and Pollux, Greek heroes Jason led on his voyages on the Argo |  | Twins |  | Gem | Geminorum |
Leo | the Nemean Lion strangled to death by Hercules | | Lion |  | Leo | Leonis |
Libra | a constellation which the Sun passes through | | Scales | defined in equatorial coordinates | Lib | Librae |
Ophiuchus | a constellation which the Sun passes through |  | Serpent Bearer |  | Oph | Ophiuchi |
Pisces | a constellation which the Sun passes through | | Fishes |  | Psc | Piscium |
Sagittarius | a constellation which the Sun passes through | | Archer |  | Sgr | Sagittarii |
Scorpius | beast that killed the Great Hunter, Orion | | Scorpion |  | Sco | Scorpii |
Taurus | beast hunted by Orion, also Zeus in a disguise used to elope with Europa |  | Bull | defined in equatorial coordinates | Tau | Tauri |
Virgo | a constellation which the Sun passes through |  | Virgin |  | Vir | Virginis |