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representation |
subject | fact | |
Kinds of representation :
- abstraction (4 kinds, 5 facts) - A representation that captures only essential aspects of something, reducing the complexity apparent to the abstraction's user
- code (4 kinds)
- coding technique (14 kinds, 6 facts) (encoding technique) - A way of representing information so as to communicate it to the user; e.g. using text, colour, icons, grouping, sound etc.
- diagram (6 kinds, 6 facts)
- document (13 kinds, 4 facts) - Anything written that that describes software
- documentation (13 facts)
- language (8 kinds, 3 facts)
- model (5 kinds, 15 facts) - An abstract representation of a system, that conveys a certain aspect of it in an understandable and analyzable way
- name (10 kinds)
- package (11 facts) - A collection of modelling elements that are grouped together because they are logically related
- scenario (4 facts) - An instance of a use case that expresses a specific occurrence of the use case with a specific actor operating at a specific time and using specific data
- schedule (3 facts) - The allocation of tasks to time periods
- slot (4 facts) - A missing part in a framework that is filled in by the application developer who is adapting the framework to suit his or her needs
- stereotype (4 facts) - A way to use some of the standard UML notation to represent something special