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rule comparison table
Subject make state has definition have purpose is a subtopic of is a synonym of formulate by states mean
80-20 rule that 80% of the benefit can often be obtained with 20% of the work; the remaining 20% of the benefit then takes 80% of the workA rule that states that 80% of the benefit can often be obtained with 20% of the work; the remaining 20% of the benefit then takes 80% of the workto justify cutting less important requirements to significantly reduce costs4.8 - Reviewing RequirementsPareto principle   
isa rule    2.5 - Organizing Classes Into Inheritance Hierarchies  that class A can only be a valid subclass of class B if it makes sense, in English, to say, "an A is a B" 
Java order of operator precedence that operators at the top take precedence over operators lower in the table. At the same level of the table, operators are evaluated from left to right.
() []Anything in parentheses, including array indexing, is evaluated first
++ -- !Unary operators
* / %Multiplicative operators
+ -Additive binary operators
> >= < <=Relational comparison operators
== !=Identity comparison operators
&&Logical AND
\Logical OR
?:Ternary if-then-else
= += *= -= /=/td>Assignment
  The Basics of Java    
law of conservation of bugs the number of bugs remaining in a large system is proportional to the number of bugs already fixed  10.9 - Strategies for Testing Large Systems    
Law of Demeterincremental development much easieronly talk to your immediate friends  6.7 - The Delegation Pattern a team from Northeastern University in Boston that a method should only access data passed as arguments, linked via associations, or obtained via calls to operations on other neighbouring data in the context of software design

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