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Next organizationSoftware Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University    Uporganization    Previous organizationInternational Standards Association   

software development company comparison table
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organization          person or group  
software development companystatistics about quality (within the organization) so people who ignore it will be embarrassedwhat is often called an opportunistic approach if it does not follow good software engineering practicesthe importance of qualitythose activities that can ensure quality are often sacrificed in order to meet deadlinesConsider quality assurance to be an integral and on-going part of developmentadequate time for all quality assurance activitiespeople tasks that fit their natural personalitiesa separate department to handle quality assurancedevelopers and maintainers to work for several months on a testing team; this will heighten their awareness of quality problems they should avoid when they return to designing software10.13 - Difficulties and Risks in Quality Assuranceorganizationdevelopers with feedback about their performance in terms of producing quality software so they have something measurable to improvepeople in testing and inspecting techniques

Next organizationSoftware Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University    Uporganization    Previous organizationInternational Standards Association