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statement comparison table
Subject refer to divide into write on have terminate by is a subtopic of consist of have example execute compile use for have purpose restrict to navigate from specify has part has definition use
assertion     9.2 - Principles Leading to Good Design          A statement that must be true; if it becomes false then the software has encountered a failure 
assignment statement     The Basics of Java     to assign a value to a variable      
decision-making statement     The Basics of Java            
Java statement    a semicolonThe Basics of Java            
long statement multiple lines such that the second and subsequent lines begin with an operator and are indented   Programming Style Guidelines            
loop   identical syntax in Java, C and C++ The Basics of Java         condition  
OCL statementspecial OCL properties of a collection itself using the -> operator a UML diagram but can be written separately with a context specified  5.6 - More Advanced Features of Class Diagrams
  • References to role names, association names, attributes and the results of operations.
  • The logical values true and false
  • Logical operators such as and, or, =, >, < or <> (not equals)
  • String values such as: 'a string'
  • Integers and real numbers (the latter having a decimal point)
  • Arithmetic operations *, /, +, -
{startPoint <> endPoint} constrains the two ends of a LineSegment to be different  automatic code generation  class to class using a dot to separate components. For example, in LinearShape, to refer to the length of the edges you can refer to edge.length.a logical fact (a constraint) about the system that must remain true  the implies operator which is true if either the left hand side is false or if both sizes are true
postcondition     7.3 - Developing Use Case Models of Systems          A statement that is guaranteed to be true following the successful completion of some action 
precondition     7.3 - Developing Use Case Models of Systems          A statement that must be true before some algorithm, method or use case is executed 
user interface statement     Programming Style Guidelines      specifically designed classes     

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