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waterfall model
waterfall modelhas definition A process model in which the software engineer works in a series of stages2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
forms the foundation of many software development methodologies in use today2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
has principles
  • software engineers should work in a series of stages
  • before completing each stage, they should perform quality assurance so that the next stage can be built on a good foundation
  • software engineers sometimes have to step back to earlier stages when they discover a problem in a subsequent stage
2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
has some limitations2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
has weaknesses if followed too closely:2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
is better than the opportunistic approach2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
is a subtopic of 11.2 - Software Process Models2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
is named because diagrams of it tend to look like cascading waterfalls2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
is a kind of process model2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
recognizes the importance of requirements, design and quality assurance2001-08-30 14:58:21.0
process modelfunctions as an aid to thinking, not as a rigid prescription of the way to do things2001-08-30 14:57:05.0
helps the project manager and his or her team to decide what work should be done and in what sequence to perform the work2001-08-30 14:57:05.0