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The CWM metamodel is split up into a set of packages. This aids comprehension of the metamodel by splitting it up into smaller
units, and allows users and implementors to ignore packages that are not relevant to their needs.
The CWM metamodel has a layered structure:
• The foundation consists of the UML-based Object Model and the CWM Foundation, which supports additional concepts and structures that are shared by other packages. Additionally, the Software Deployment package supports the deployment information for the data sources and targets in the next layer.
• The Relational, Record, Multidimensional, and XML packages support the definition of various types of data sources and data targets.
• The Transformation, OLAP, Data Mining, Information Visualization, and Business Nomenclature packages define the transformations and analytical processing that takes place on these data sources.
• Finally, the Warehouse Process package supports scheduling information, and the Warehouse Operation package is used to record operational details such as the results of transformation runs.