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17.4.4 Comparison with CWM: OLAP Schema

   MDC-OIM provides an OLAP Schema metamodel for describing the use of multidimensional database technology within the enterprise in support of advanced business analytics and decision support capabilities. OLAP technology has broad applicability, both within the data warehousing environment, specifically, and across the enterprise, in general. Hence, both CWM and OIM have a requirement for representing OLAP and multidimensional metadata.

   The CWM and MDC-OIM OLAP metamodels have many similarities, but many fundamental differences, as well. Perhaps the most fundamental difference is in the overall orientation of the two metamodels.

   The CWM OLAP metamodel is a pure, semantic model of general OLAP concepts, and does not define any particular logical or physical deployment constructs of its own. This is done for two reasons:

   So the CWM OLAP metamodel defines generic OLAP concepts only and leverages the CWM Transformation metamodel to map OLAP metaclasses to metaclasses of other packages that could be used to describe logical models of implementations (for example, the CWM Relational and Multidimensional metamodels). Those logical models, in turn, rely on the Software Deployment metamodel to describe their actual, physical deployments.

   The MDC-OIM OLAP model, on the other hand, is largely derived from the OIM Database Schema model (in the same manner that the Data Transformation model is). For example, Cubes and Partitions are ultimately derived from ColumnSet. This may have the effect of restricting the usage of the OIM OLAP model to the representation of relational-OLAP constructs only.

   The OIM OLAP model also includes a number of logical and physical deployment metaclasses, such as OLAPServer, DataSource, and Connection metaclasses, plus DeployedOLAPDatabase and LogicalOLAPDatabase subclasses, in keeping with the OIM’s overall dichotomization of the concepts of logical versus deployed subclasses. As stated earlier in the discussion on the relational Database Schema, there is no need for the CWM OLAP metamodel to include these kinds of metaclasses, since logical descriptions are implicitly defined by transformation mappings of OLAP semantics to more logical constructs (for example, relational), and the physical deployment metaclasses are provided within a single, Software Deployment metamodel.

   Areas where the CWM OLAP and OIM OLAP metamodels are mostly (though not completely) similar include the following: