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The CWM uses packages to control complexity and create groupings of logically interrelated classes. The ObjectModel is a collection
of packages that are described together because they all provide basic metamodel constructs to other CWM packages. A subsection
of this chapter is devoted to each of the ObjectModel packages. Because it relies on no other package, the Core package is
described first, followed by the Behavioral, Instance, and Relationships packages. Each of the subsequent packages depends
only on the Core package; there are no other dependencies between the ObjectModel packages. The relationship between the ObjectModel
and each of its
constituent packages is shown diagrammatically in Figure 4-1.
Organizing the ObjectModel in this fashion allows the individual metamodel packages to be understood and used independently
of each other without sacrificing their common purpose. For example, the CWM Record metamodel depends only on the ObjectModel’s
Core and Instance packages for its definition; other ObjectModel packages are not needed for defining records.
ObjectModel (from CWM)
<<metamodel>> Core
Figure 4-1 ObjectModel metamodel packages