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This section provides a description of the main features of the XML package.
An XML schema contains a set of definitions and declarations, in the form of XML element type definitions. An XML element
type may contain a set of XML attributes and/or a content model. An attribute can have one of the following defaults: required,
implied, default, or fixed. The content model can be one of the following types: empty, any, mixed, or element. Except for
the empty content model, a content model consists of constituent parts, particularly element type references. The allowed
occurrence of the constituents can be one of the following types: one, zero; or one, zero or more; or one or more.
An any content model consists of any element types. A mixed content model consists of character data and specified element
type references. An element content model consists of specified element type references and/or element content models. An
element content model can be one of the following types: choice or sequence.