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15.3.1 ConnectionPointReference


   A connection point reference represents a usage (as part of a submachine state) of an entry/exit point defined in the statemachine reference by the submachine state.


   • V

    ertex (from BehaviorStateMachines ) on page 605


   Connection point references of a submachine state can be used as sources/targets of transitions. They represent entries into or exits out of the submachine state machine referenced by the submachine state.


   No additional attributes


Issue 8401 -change multiplicities from 1..* to 0..* and other typos


   [1] The entry Pseudostates must be Pseudostates with kind entryPoint.

   entry->notEmpty() implies entry->forAll(e | e.kind = #entryPoint)

   [2] The exit Pseudostates must be Pseudostates with kind exitPoint.

   exit->notEmpty() implies exit->forAll(e | e.kind = #exitPoint)


   Connection point references are sources/targets of transitions implying exits out of/entries into the submachine state machine referenced by a submachine state.

Issue 8401 -fix typos

   An entry point connection point reference as the target of a transition implies that the target of the transition is the entry point pseudostate as defined in the submachine of the submachine state. As a result, the regions of the submachine state machine are entered at the corresponding entry point pseudostates.

   An exit point connection point reference as the source of a transition implies that the source of the transition is the exit point pseudostate as defined in the submachine of the submachine state that has the exit point connection point defined. When a region of the submachine state machine has reached the corresponding exit points, the submachine state exits at this exit point.


   A connection point reference to an entry point has the same notation as an entry point pseudostate. The circle is placed on the border of the state symbol of a submachine state.

Issue 8401 - fix line styles

   Figure 15.7 - Entry Point

   A connection point reference to an exit point has the same notation as an exit point pseudostate. The encircled cross is placed on the border of the state symbol of a submachine state.

Issue 8401 - fix line styles

   Figure 15.8 - Exit Point

   Presentation Options

    A connection point reference to an entry point can also be visualized using a rectangular symbol as shown in Figure 15.9. The text inside the symbol shall contain the keyword ‘via’ followed by the name of the connection point. This notation may only be used if the transition ending with the connection point is defined using the transition-oriented control icon notation as defined in Transition (from BehaviorStateMachines ) on page 594.

Figure 15.9 - Alternative Entry Point notation

Issue 8401 -fix figure reference

    A connection point reference to an exit point can also be visualized using a rectangular symbol as shown in Figure 15.10. The text inside the symbol shall contain the keyword ‘via’ followed by the name of the connection point. This notation may only be used if the transition associated with the connection point is defined using the transition-oriented control icon notation as defined in Transition (from BehaviorStateMachines ) on page 594.

   Figure 15.10 - Alternative Exit Point notation