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This specification addresses the problem of obtaining the analysis data (both inputs and results) from a UMS on a read-only
basis. This includes information describing a real or simulated state of the system together with the system’s physical model
data. The specification should be sufficient for integrating many applications and systems that operate “downstream? of a
UMS in a near-real-time or non-real-time mode. It will apply to water, gas and electric power systems. This facility is also
intended to work in concert with future facilities to handle more extensive integration cases.
Data Access
The specification provides interfaces to query the data that occur in a UMS including analysis inputs, analysis results, and
physical model data.
Interfaces are provided for coarse-grained notification of changes in this data.
Concurrency Control
A mechanism is provided to allow a self-consistent group of data to be read from the UMS.
Data Semantics
For electric power systems, the specification establishes the semantics and structure of the data by reference to the Electric
Power Research Institute Common Information Model (EPRI CIM).