Winter 2025
- CSI5389/DTI5389: Electronic Commerce
- CSI3104: Introduction to Formal Languages
- CSI3140: WWW Structures, Techniques and Standards
- Note: The websites of
CSI3104 and CSI3140 are on Virtual Campus (Brightspace).
- If you are a registered student in these courses,
you can access the course websites
- using your student credentials.
Winter 2024
- CSI5389/DTI5389: Electronic Commerce
- CSI3104: Introduction to Formal Languages
- Note: The website of
CSI3104 is on Virtual Campus (Brightspace).
- If you are a registered student in this course,
you can access the course website
- using your student credentials.
Winter 2023
- CSI5389/DTI5389: Electronic Commerce
- CSI3140: WWW Structures, Techniques and Standards
- Note: The website of
CSI3140 is on Virtual Campus (Brightspace).
- If you are a registered student in this course,
you can access the course website
- using your student credentials.
Other Courses (taught in the past)
- CSI3150: Computational Methods for Numerical Problems
- SEG2100: Introduction to Software Engineering