RELIEF, whose current version is RELIEFv3.5, has been developed under the supervision of
Professor Hasan Ural
of the Telecommunications Software Engineering Reseach Group
Department of Computer Science,
University of Ottawa.
Based on the Communicating Finite State Machine
(CFSM) model of a protocol, the RELIEF validation methods explore the
reachable global state space of the protocol
to identify the logical errors such as
blocking states, deadlocks, unspecified receptions, buffer overflows,
and non-executable transitions.
Besides the Conventional Reachability Analysis (CRA)
method, the package also includes the implementations of a number of other
methods, which are proved to yield a large reduction in the number of
global states to be explored.
The protocol analyzers in RELIEF can be
accessed through a text-based and menu-driven user
interface. They can be also accessed by the Empirical Study (ES) [1]
tool that takes a list of several hundred protocols synthesized by
the Automatic Protocol Synthersizer (APS) [1]
to generate the comparison of the performance of different
methods. All of the tools are programmed in UNIX C and organized to form
the system architecture of the package.
Written in Ottawa, October 1996
Edited: May 1997
Designer: Tuong M. Nguyen